Starting Again

I am recommitting to my weight loss. I lost about 20 pounds, but do to unhealthy eating and not logging, I gained about half of it back.
But, I feel horrible so I am starting fresh. I decided to make a reward for every 5 pounds I lose. Most of them are small rewards like a bottle of nail polish. I am hoping this works. I also reset my weight. I am going to be totally committed this time. Any words of advice or encouragement would be appreciated.


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    edited August 2015
    When you reach your goal weight, keep logging because you can not go back to your old habits. Logging helps with portion control.
  • TOneHundredForty
    TOneHundredForty Posts: 18 Member
    edited August 2015
    Glad you're getting back now before you lost all of your progress. Just keep it going at a slow (but steady) pace. and make sure that you're not changing anything you wouldn't be okay with changing for life, otherwise you'll get discouraged again. Also, the reward system is a good idea.

    Good luck!
  • joshreza10
    joshreza10 Posts: 3 Member
    Ugh, I hear you Susan. I met my goal of 180 lbs from 250...I gained all of it plus 1 pound back as of July 29th...I'm currently at 233 but it feels way more difficult to lose than the first time. I'm staying strong and sticking with it and so should you! Add me if you need more motivation! I post what I eat daily and my diary is open to friends. Good luck, and you're not alone! :-)
  • susanschroeder23
    susanschroeder23 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks y'all! I am going to try to not get discouraged this time around. I am really hoping the rewards will help.
  • rosej31
    rosej31 Posts: 189 Member
    Do not get discouraged we all have been in your shoes. Just hang in there
  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    Do not look at your past attempts as failures, look at them as practice. Its game time. Educate yourself, log honestly even if you go over. Look at the big picture, trends not small fluctuations. I have non-food rewards for myself, mostly smaller sized clothing. I have found mini-goals and celebrating non scale victories motivating.
  • pmaia
    pmaia Posts: 42 Member
    Do not look at your past attempts as failures, look at them as practice. Its game time. Educate yourself, log honestly even if you go over. Look at the big picture, trends not small fluctuations. I have non-food rewards for myself, mostly smaller sized clothing. I have found mini-goals and celebrating non scale victories motivating.

  • SunshineBdoll
    SunshineBdoll Posts: 19 Member
    :) you are doing great! Just that one step in the right direction is amazing. I was a chubby child, teen, and then started swimming. I went from big to fit in no time. Then 10yrs after highschool and a child I never learned to be healthy and made my way to the highest weight in my life plus a bunch. I continued eating as I always did, but didn't exercise anymore because swim was over. I'm on my way back to fit. Unfortunately on dry land, but it's progress, and I'm learning. I'm proud of you!
  • susanschroeder23
    susanschroeder23 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks everyone!
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Completely agree with rewarding yourself :)
    Its important to acknowledge each achievement! Good luck!