If you bought a candy bar...

I'm thinking about buying a candy bar or in my case, a pack of Reeses and see how long I can go without eating it. It is going to kill me, but I'm going to test my will power and tell myself, "Better in the package than in my stomach." Here's to it lasting a whole day, maybe more! :D Have any of you tried things like that? Putting something you crave in reach just to test yourself if you are actually going to eat it or not?


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    If I want a candy bar, I'm going to work it into my calories. I ate a 3 Musketeers on Thursday (the first one I've had in over two years) and it was wonderful.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    I'm not really seeing the fun in that...
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    If I'm going out of my way to buy it, it's cos I intend to eat it in the near future.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    Make it a Snickers, and if you live by me, I'll come eat it so you win forever!
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,396 Member
    Well, it's a bit different for me.....I get some chocolate and put it in my desk at work because when I start menstruating, it's the only thing that really helps me feel better, lol. However, I did get my husband a 4 pack of reese's peanut butter cups and they've been in the pantry for almost 2 weeks.
  • Jimmie342
    Jimmie342 Posts: 56 Member
    I did that two weeks ago. I bought a 4 pack of Mt. Dew Throwback. I promised myself I would only drink one every week. I use to drink 2 liters a day. I still have 3 left. I just make sure I work it into my calories when I have one.
  • 00nick7
    00nick7 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm not really seeing the fun in that...

    There really isn't any "fun" in it. It is a way to test myself and to see how much I want to eat better. There are many different approaches. This is just an option I chose.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    00nick7 wrote: »
    I'm not really seeing the fun in that...

    There really isn't any "fun" in it. It is a way to test myself and to see how much I want to eat better. There are many different approaches. This is just an option I chose.

    Instead of focusing on what you are not "allowed" to do, why not focus on positive actions that you could take?

    Instead of putting your energy into not eating a candy bar that you didn't need to buy in the first place, go for a walk, get to the gym, do some healthy food prep, etc. I'm not understanding why buying it and not eating it makes you any stronger than simply not buying it in the first place. Either one works in the end.

    Playing games with yourself doesn't accomplish anything. Making real effort does.
  • 00nick7
    00nick7 Posts: 39 Member
    edited August 2015
    00nick7 wrote: »
    I'm not really seeing the fun in that...

    There really isn't any "fun" in it. It is a way to test myself and to see how much I want to eat better. There are many different approaches. This is just an option I chose.

    Instead of focusing on what you are not "allowed" to do, why not focus on positive actions that you could take?

    Instead of putting your energy into not eating a candy bar that you didn't need to buy in the first place, go for a walk, get to the gym, do some healthy food prep, etc. I'm not understanding why buying it and not eating it makes you any stronger than simply not buying it in the first place. Either one works in the end.

    Playing games with yourself doesn't accomplish anything. Making real effort does.

    Oh, I have been. For the past month I've been biking everywhere I go and have been eating a lot better in terms of low carb foods and things that are high in protein. In 33+ days I've lost 5 pounds and I'm feeling great. I do, however, still have a sweet tooth and tend to eat sweets when I'm at work. I am trying to stop that for myself and just eat better. It's not torture for me or anything, it is just a way to better discipline myself.
  • steponebyone
    steponebyone Posts: 123 Member
    Nice! I have pastries in my cupboards that have been there for a while. I used to buy them and eat them all in one sitting, but since I have been disciplining myself, they're really not that tempting. Maybe just one instead of 27 servings. Lol. Good method though, and good luck! :)
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I currently have three kinds of cookies, ice cream bars and plenty of dark chocolate in my kitchen. I work some of that into my day, every day. So far have not really had a day when I had to fight any urges to sit down and eat the whole package.
  • 00nick7
    00nick7 Posts: 39 Member
    Nice! I have pastries in my cupboards that have been there for a while. I used to buy them and eat them all in one sitting, but since I have been disciplining myself, they're really not that tempting. Maybe just one instead of 27 servings. Lol. Good method though, and good luck! :)

    Thanks! I'm glad you agree! I used to love buying those drumstick ice cream cones. So good!!!! I just had to stop buying those. I know that since I always look at the nutritional facts on everything I buy and eat (unless I'm at a restaurant), I just stopped. I used to buy a whole box of Cheez-Its and almost finish them off. Not cool. I also totally stopped drinking soda.
  • Bonny132
    Bonny132 Posts: 3,617 Member
    I am more of a savory person, crisps is my downfall. I have 4 large packs in the kitchen, been there for 3 weeks now, am I tempted? Yes, frequently, but no I have not touched them. They will get eaten one day, but when I am entertaining, not by me in front of the TV :smile: I put them on the top of the cup boards, out of sight out of mind, plus I need to get my step stool to get to them lol
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    I don't deny myself anything that I really want to eat. I work it into my calories for the day and plan for it.
    Unlike days of old when I would eat several candy bars at a time, most of the time, I buy a bag of Dove dark chocolate caramel with sea salt and have one piece every day as a reward for staying within my calories. 38 calories that I savor every day. I sometimes change the kind of chocolate, but never full size candy bars anymore.
    Not denying myself any food that I want, has allowed me to lose over 1/2 of body weight, and in November I will have been on maintenance for 2 years. Works for me.
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    Your game seems to be giving Reeses a kind of forbidden fruit status.
    Does Reeses deserve to be put on such a lofty pedestal? I personally love Reeses, I actually have almost 2 full bags of miniatures in my pantry. I bought the bags months ago and part of me is concerned they may have to be moved to the freezer because I just don't eat them fast enough.
    When I do eat them, I have one. Rarely i've had 2 in a day. According to the packaging a serving is 5. It's no wonder it's taking me ages to get through them.

    Anyway i digress, back to your game. Another willpower game you may want to try is to not think about pink elephants for 5 minutes, starting now.

    Kidding aside, Reeses is just one of a bazillion varieties of food with calories and nutrients. If you can make it fit, then enjoy. No need to give this candy so much power.
  • KelpyG
    KelpyG Posts: 9 Member
    I can see how this would be interesting as a one-time thing, but I think it could backfire if you do it often.
    As in, if you know the candy bar is off-limits you might think about it a lot and end up binging later.
  • firststepformefal
    firststepformefal Posts: 180 Member
    I have 3 chocolate bars in my freezer. I bought them on impulse and froze them when I got home. They have been there for about 3 weeks, partly because I forgot about them. They were supposed to go to the food bank 2 weeks ago, but, as I said, I forgot about them.
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    I don't think that will kill you....

    But I admit I am puzzled at the "test" you have chosen to give yourself as some measurement of how much you want to eat better.

    Don't you already know how much you want to eat better?

    How much do you want to eat better? How does eating or not eating a Reese's measure that at all in any quantifiable way?

    Just my thought. Carry on in what you have chosen to do :)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    My cupboards are full of cookies and chocolate and I have 6 containers of ice cream in the freezer.

    I don't crave the stuff as much when I know I can have some anytime I want.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    I totally understand where you're at. I decided not to drink alcohol anymore a week ago. I had a little wine left in a bottle, and decided to keep it in the fridge and not thrown it out. I told my son he could finish it if he wanted, but he went off to Disneyland for the week. It's been there all week and Friday night I was very tempted, but decided to eat a few cookies instead. Since alcohol (Reese's candy in your case) is ubiquitous in society, what better way to know you won't binge on them, than to have one in your house and refuse to eat it. I won't keep my wine there forever as it's using up space, but it's been a useful test of my will power in this area.