Advice please: Go down to TDEE - 10%?

Hi All,

After 6 months on this journey, I am now almost at my goal of 126lbs, woohoo! I have 3lbs left to lose and am wondering if its time to start reducing my calorie deficit. I'm 5' 5'', female, working a desk job but also doing the Insanity programme 6 days a week plus regular walking. I'm using the TDEE method. I have never been sure whether I am lightly or moderatly active so my target is set in the middle of the two at 1,650 which is my TDEE - 20%.

Has anyone else been in my position and tried reducing your deficit to -15% or even -10%. If so, how did it go for you? Would you suggest I do the same? I'm not ready to move into maintenance yet as I still want to lose those last few pounds and tone up but I'm wondering if I should be slowing increasing now to help me gain muscle as well as lose weight?

My diary is open. The last week or two have been slightly under my target after a weekend away eating A LOT and trying to undo the damage but usually I do stick to my goal and try to balance my macro's to 40% carb, 30% fat, 30% protein.

Any thoughts?


  • moondawg14
    moondawg14 Posts: 249 Member
    I sure would. Anything to "ease the transition" from loss to maintenance.

    If you all of the sudden up your calories by 20% on the day you hit your goal, I'm sure your body will respond with some wacky weight fluctuation.

    Why not make a smooth transition?