Hi I'm Kerry exercise question

hi I can't seem to find how any calories are burned for certain classes that I take for example fit ball is there somewhere I missing on the website


  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    Welcome to MFP :)

    If there is a downfall this site has, it's the calorie database for activities/exercise. I would try a google search and see if you can find something comparable to your class. The number should be more accurate if you get to input your weight & height. Additionally, depending on your activity you can wear a heart rate monitor to help determine calories burned.

    If after 3-4 weeks you are weighing, measuring, and logging your food very accurately - and your weight loss is over or under what MFP predicts you have a pretty good indicator your calorie burn is either too high or too low, and you can adjust it as needed.
  • rhoule76
    rhoule76 Posts: 217 Member
    The other option is, if you have a HRM, wear that for a class to get an estimate of calories burned.
  • Thanks I will try that someone mentioned a jaw bone thing I just don't want to waste money of way I can find calories burned on here