Is beer while calorie counting okay?



  • jessathemessa
    jessathemessa Posts: 65 Member
    If you want to fit it in, go for it. I still drink beer, but I usually don't drink more than one or two. If I'm going to be drinking a lot, I usually do vodka and diet sprite, or something else lower calorie than beer. It's CICO and all up to you.

    Maybe on days you know you want a lot of beer, eat low calorie such as raw veggies. Or you can do some extra work outs during the week to offset the extra beer calories. You may even be able to lower your daily calorie intake by 50-100 calories a day (maybe, totally depending on your situation) and save up for the weekend.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    If you log it and it fits within your calories fine. I still drink wine but less and I do lose faster when I'm not having any. Plus it's a few hundred calories I could eat instead. I have been known to go for a run purely to free up calories for wine. (Not sorry.)

    Ditto on this...especially the work out to free up calories and no, not sorry either :)
  • DerekVTX
    DerekVTX Posts: 287 Member
    Beer is not so good when trying to lose weight. Regular beers are about 150 Calories per 341ml bottle. 10 beers is going to be all you could consume for the day. yeah you could just go over your calories by 1500 but then half of what you accomplished that week will have been lost. Vodka and Diet 7UP, Rum & Water, Rum and Diet Coke, Whisky & Diet 7Up, etc are much better choices at about 70 calories per Oz Shot. Or you could just learn to have a good time drinking much less and less frequently.
  • 15feb
    15feb Posts: 15 Member
    I like to walk more to free up calories so I can still drink wine
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    Hi i am trying to lose weight by staying under my calorie limit and am doing well but I like to drink sometimes on the weekends 5-10 beers , will it make me gain weight instead of losing??

    If you're trying to fit in beer and that many you're not in the right frame of mind to lose weight. When you really "want it" you won't be asking yourself or anyone these kind of questions you'll just know that it's a bad idea and you need to stay focused on your weight loss.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    If you can fit them in yes.... But 10 beers can be 1200 calories... I switched to tequila personally.

    10 beers can be 1200 calories only if he is drinking weak beer, not more than 4% alcohol. It can easily be double that.

    Exactly. A good beer is at least 160 calories and up to 300 calories for 12 oz.

    Beer is magic and contains no calories.

  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    10 beers is not only a lot of calories but it also a very large amount of alcohol especially for a woman. It's over the limit for your weekly allowance (depending on the size and percentage) and if this is the only time you drink you're doing more damage by binge drinking.
    If it's a one off its not such an issue but if you're doing this every week you might need to decide if it worth the risk.
  • 15feb
    15feb Posts: 15 Member
    can you lose weight drinking wine
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    The other thing to consider, is that 5-10 beers is considered by many health professionals to be binge drinking, which has far more health risks than incorporating a few drinks here and there. Perhaps looking at 2-3 good quality beers and interspersing with some water. I found that I could drink a ton of beer when I drank crap beer (think bud light). Now that I've switched to craft beer and enjoy the flavor (and not just being drunk), I drink far less in one sitting.

    That said? It's trivia tonight, and I have 600 calories banked for 3 craft brews. Decisions, decisions...
  • skattersIA
    skattersIA Posts: 13 Member
    I agree with the posters above... but would suggest to work for those beers. Maybe get 50-100 calories MORE than usual each day by exercising. Set solid, realistic goals for yourself. Cut your daily calories by 50, if your current calorie allowance allows it. But - and this is important - you must earn those beers BEFORE drinking them. You can't have "just one more" with the intention of working it off the next day - as that doesn't work for many people. Especially if they are hung over or just slower than usual on the next day.

    Also, maybe if you are eating less calories and losing weight, you may feel the buzz faster? Regardless, you will have to decide which goal is most important to you... drinking beer unrestricted, or losing weight. Without a solid plan in place, you won't be able to drink that much and still lose weight.
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    15feb wrote: »
    can you lose weight drinking wine

    Yes... 9
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I run so I have room for booze and I try to do both daily. I typically have a 2 oz. scotch before dinner, wine with dinner and a beer after. I fit it in and can lose weight at the same time. If you have 5 or 10 beers you will likely gain some bloat and the weight that goes with it but it should go away quickly. You will slow your progress and need to work harder to make up it though. Its probably like eating a big cheese burger with fries each weekend.
  • JeffBrown3
    JeffBrown3 Posts: 161 Member
    The good news is, if you drink enough beer, you will forget about calories lol
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Switch to hard liquor mixed with diet mixer and you can lower the calorie hit.
  • OneHundredToLose
    OneHundredToLose Posts: 8,523 Member
    I'm going out to drink tonight, and I know I will be having 2 - 3 beers. I like Guinness, which is 210 calories per pint when it comes from the tap. As a result, I'm eating at a bigger deficit than normal today to ensure I have an additional 700 calories or so to spare.

    The extra benefit of this is that since I am eating less, the beer will hit me faster and last longer, which will mean I won't need the same amount I normally would.

    TL;DR: You can absolutely drink beer while counting calories. Just hold yourself accountable and log it.
  • dljones67
    dljones67 Posts: 88 Member
    If you're trying to fit in beer and that many you're not in the right frame of mind to lose weight. When you really "want it" you won't be asking yourself or anyone these kind of questions you'll just know that it's a bad idea and you need to stay focused on your weight loss.

    So true. I've been doing pretty good with my weight loss (31 lbs since May) but have found that drinking too much/too often really slows it down. I'm limiting how often I go out & only drink max of 3, 7's & diet soda. Of course budgeted in
  • If you can fit them in yes.... But 10 beers can be 1200 calories... I switched to tequila personally.

    #1 Damn that's a lot of beer
    #2 try gin/vodka w/diet tonic and lime juice. Or a really dark beer (perfect for sipping on and dark beer makes me feel full so I'm not pounding them down)
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    ive lost 70 pounds drinking beer so.... sure.

    log it and plan for it though....
  • meghrose17
    meghrose17 Posts: 8 Member
    If you follow the advice here and save calories so you can have that much beer, please please be careful if that leaves you barely eating. Having no food and ten beers is a recipe for having your stomach pumped in the ER at the end of the night. :( Earn some extra calories by exercising, try interspersing lower-calorie drinks, and be safe!
  • AspenDan
    AspenDan Posts: 703 Member
    I drink excessively every couple weeks and somehow still lose weight steadily..I'd suggest lower call alcohol tho, maybe vodka tonic?