Re started...

Hi I have just restarted using MFP and thought I may as well introduce myself...

I have been so busy with work over the last 2yrs, so much so, that I stopped going to the gym, have not done much at all and slowly since my wedding in June 2013 have put on a whopping 35lbs..
Yes you may say well you are married and contented? But at the age of 58 I cannot afford to carry on at the rate I am going, already in the obese category I no good for my heart...and being out of breath all the while.

I have set myself a reasonable goal.... a new me - fit for 60yrs of age...
So my plan is to lose the weight and more that I have put on and to be physically fit by my 60th birthday.....easily doable :)

I plan to exercise more and use the 'Couch to 5k free NHS podcasts' to help me get there as well as this wonderful platform!!

Thank you
