Need motivation to get back on track

Hello all, I am a 51 year old woman and I have lost 80 pounds in 12 months but now have lost all motivation. I hurt my rotator cuff and while healing I got off my exercise schedule and then started eating poorly. I'm healed now but just can't seem to get back on track. I have about 50 more pounds to loose. Help please. I need support and motivation. I will gladly support you as well.


  • wrkin9095
    wrkin9095 Posts: 2 Member
    I found n my weigh loss I have to b my own motivater because no one else seems to help. I hear one ice cream won't hurt or missing one day at gym is ok. That leads into another n another. I just had to get back on track myself. Just keep ur mind focused on ur goal n do it. U will have bad days but once u get into it the struggle becomes a bit easier. In one yr I lost 165lbs. I still need to lose a bit more but just can't seem to so I have to try to stay focused. Keep ur head up n u got this look how far u have come already.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    I ultimately lost 100 lbs, mostly by eating less, almost no exercise involved. The sad news is, I gained back 60 lbs by not tracking what I ate. You can do it, you can do it by tracking what you eat.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Your motivation has to come from within, not without. You need to take a good, honest look at why YOU want to lose the weight. It doesn't have to be 'to get healthy'. That wasn't mine. Mine was getting my wedding pictures back and realizing I looked fat in them. I know one girl that wanted to lose weight to have better sex. It can be whatever you want, but it has to be a reason you've come up with for YOURSELF, not what others are telling you. External motivation will only take you so far, you need to be able to motivate yourself. Support comes and goes, and there are many people who have no external support. By making your motivation YOUR OWN, it's easier to keep going when things get tough.

    If you've having trouble starting, start small. Log for a week while eating normally and see where your patterns are. Then, change one thing at a time. Give yourself a week or two to get used to it and then change something else. Yes, it's much slower. But for me, at least, doing it that way gave me time to adjust without having to cut EVERYTHING at once. And I didn't cut out any foods, just learned to eat less of them. There will be bad days, days where you go over by accident or days you just don't care. When it happens, log it and start fresh the next day. It doesn't make you a failure and it won't sabotage your progress. Once I learned that, it got a lot easier!

    Also, exercise isn't necessary for weight loss! It's good for other things, but you can lose weight with just monitoring your intake. If you want to add exercise and are having trouble getting back into it, start slow. Go outside, walk in a random direction for 10 minutes, turn and walk back. Bam, 20 minute walk. Doesn't have to be fast, but at least you're DOING something. As long as you're doing something, even if it's slow, that becomes your first step and gives you something to build on. Point is, you have to change your habits, but there's no written rule you have to change all of them at once! If it helps, mark down on a calendar days to start or increase something. Focusing on small changes and small milestones is helpful to some people because it gives you many more opportunities for a feeling of accomplishment. You don't have to be an 'all or nothing' type of person, it's perfectly ok to set your own pace and work from there.
  • I don't have much support at home to lose weight. I'm not in controll of the grocery shopping and all they buy is junk. I need support from others especially when temptation is a cubard away. I also need a kick in the pants to get me going some days especially when I'm depressed ( like i am now)
  • butterflylady86
    butterflylady86 Posts: 369 Member
    Hello if you would like support. Please feel free to add me. One pound at a time. You didn't put the weight on over night. God bless you all on your journey to healthy lifestyle. Peace Julie :)
  • Cori1964
    Cori1964 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you everyone, some good advise and wisdom. Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    I don't have much support at home to lose weight. I'm not in controll of the grocery shopping and all they buy is junk. I need support from others especially when temptation is a cubard away. I also need a kick in the pants to get me going some days especially when I'm depressed ( like i am now)

    Hence the first part of my last post. If you rely on others for your support and motivation, then your success won't be your own. Not to mention that such support and motivation isn't steady and do you really want your progress stalled and ruined because that support and motivation stops? No, you need to be able to get yourself into gear. External support is nice, but it should supplement your motivation, not create it.

    If you don't buy grocery, there's not a lot you can do in that regard except watch your portions. Get a digital food scale and weigh everything out. Even if it gets you funny looks from everyone else. This is YOUR life, you need to take responsibility for it. If you can, buy your own food, at least snack foods that you can moderate easily. That way, if everyone is snacking on cookies, you have something that you like to eat that won't be as high in calories. You don't have to share it, either. Find a way to store it so you're the only one that eats it. It's totally possible to lose weight even if you don't have control of what food is bought or made, it's just a little harder. You have to keep a much tighter control of your portion sizes, but it is doable.