Eating and losing? can it happen...?

Hello everyone ^^
I am Christina (call me Timi, I prefer it) and as everyone here i try for a better health and life.
I watched this video and I would like opinions on it if you have some time to watch it.


  • nee90
    nee90 Posts: 33 Member
    It's true! Metabolism is the key....
    Also if I could add a tip:
    Don't drink water (or any other drink) 1/2 hour before and 1 1/2 hours after your meal.
    Water rarefy and impoverish stomach fluids and acids, so it slows down digestion and metabolism....
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    Doesn't sound that weird to me! There are lots of people on this site that have lost lots of weight and had great success by eating at a moderate deficit as opposed to a low calorie diet. I generally eat between 1500 and 2000 calories a day, and it's been working pretty well so far.
    It's true! Metabolism is the key....
    Also if I could add a tip:
    Don't drink water (or any other drink) 1/2 hour before and 1 1/2 hours after your meal.
    Water rarefy and impoverish stomach fluids and acids, so it slows down digestion and metabolism....

    But this^ is weird advice. I've never heard anyone recommend NOT drinking water. Additionally, there are lots of foods out there with a very high water content, one of my personal favorites being lettuce (or vegetables in general). Your body is designed for water intake from both liquids and solids. I drink water all day every day, meal times included. It hasn't affected my weight loss or metabolism whatsoever. It's very important to keep your body hydrated.

    Drink your water, eat at a moderate deficit, and exercise regularly. It really works.
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    There are some very questionable or flat-out incorrect things said in the video, which I will attempt to leave alone.

    A good rule of thumb for your calorie deficit is 20% from your maintenance calories. So if you require 2000 calories a day based on your weight, height, age or other factors, eat 1600. That will be a "slow" weight loss, but it will be a very manageable and healthy way to lose. The main point of the video is basically don't go too low on your calories, which is good advice.

    Another good rule of thumb is that pretty much anything you read or see that focuses on how to "speed up" your metabolism is a load of crap. People don't lose weight by engineering their metabolisms. They lose weight with a calorie deficit, working within the limits of the metabolism they have. The amount of control you have over your metabolic rate is quite limited and focusing on trying to do that is just side-stepping what is actually effective. And that is where I feel the video misses the point.

    Water is good too.
  • nee90
    nee90 Posts: 33 Member

    But this^ is weird advice. I've never heard anyone recommend NOT drinking water. Additionally, there are lots of foods out there with a very high water content, one of my personal favorites being lettuce (or vegetables in general). Your body is designed for water intake from both liquids and solids. I drink water all day every day, meal times included. It hasn't affected my weight loss or metabolism whatsoever. It's very important to keep your body hydrated.

    Drink your water, eat at a moderate deficit, and exercise regularly. It really works.

    I didn't say "don't drink water". I also drink a lot of water.Water is necessary ... Just try not to drink it during your meals and some time before and after them...