Hi- I'm a dancer hoping to get in shape

Hi everyone, I am 26, and 2 years ago I was in my worst shape- I was 63kg (138lbs), but so weak physically(for a lot of reasons) that I was getting tired from walking 15min and I didn't look fit in any way...Few months later, I gained 7kg more. It was startling, because for the past 5 years prior to that I had never gained or lost more than 1 -2 kg at a time.
So I started going to jazz ballet for a first time as an adult. Dance inspired be to want to be better and I worked out more in between classes to be able to dance better.
In the first year, I only dropped 1 kg(2.2lbs) but I looked like I lost 5 times that- I had actually build muscle...but I was still eating badly. And then this year, I finally starting eating well too and suddenly I was loosing weight...and that made me panic emotionally- I guess I am used to being out of shape now...Then I had highly stressful period and started gaining again. I tried to stop myself in April, and failed. I tried in May and failed. in June I was at a dance intensive, which changed things temporary, but as soon as I was back, I started gaining again...
But...from this month we are starting to work towards pointe shoes and I want to be strong enough to do it. I want to be back to my former confident self, and even stronger since this time around I will actually be fit. So I started working out 10 days ago, strength training and cardio, plus dance, 40-90min a day, plus being mindful of what I eat(logging it and making sure not to exceed what I exercise). Since then I have lost 4 lbs already. I know this time around I can lose the weight if I am determined for long enough and really take this change to heart. I also know I can use any motivation so here I am. If anyone would like to be friends and help motivate each other, that would be awesome:)


  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Pointe work isn't just about muscles, it's about balance. You should be doing yoga/pilates/barre classes too.
    Do you dance for a living?
  • Photograhicsoul
    Photograhicsoul Posts: 23 Member
    Pointe work isn't just about muscles, it's about balance. You should be doing yoga/pilates/barre classes too.
    Do you dance for a living?
    I don't dance as a living, I started 2 years ago and I was already 24, so that isn't too realistic. But I hope in time to make it as a semi professional thing(to find a way to earn something with it so I can do it more- it's my passion). Earning with it means not necessarily teaching or performing, just something that brings income in so that I can keep doing it the long hours that I am. I will see in time what is realistic.
    I know...I do need a lot of work on balance. Well, now I am trying to get myself back into habit of working out, so I have strength/cardio daily on my own, and 3 classes ballet per week(30min barre+60min jazz, classical or contemporary depending on the week). When I get to my full usual training, which I was doing last year, I will be doing 30min strength/30min flexibility daily plus an hour of (rotating) work on turns/work on jumps/classical barre work/yoga or pilates. I try to rotate things I am working on to get crossfit effect. Plus we do all these in class and I need work in all of them. So my usual schedule is 2 h a day plus dance classes, but now I haven't done it in a while so I had to ease back into it. When I am diligent, I do improve fast, but when I start doubting myself, things start stalling. So I am trying not to give up this time around and see how much I can do with it, at my age.
    I found beginner pointe book breaking down things into strength, technique, flexibility and more, and planning to buy it soon and start using it. (it's also to prepare you before pointe)
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Good for you!

    I also dance for fun as an adult, but with some degree of seriousness. I was a performer when I was young, but never had the right body type for ballet. I do several different kinds of Latin dance.

    It sounds like love of the sport is all of the motivation that you need to get yourself to classes and to the gym. What you need to focus on is creating good eating habits and making them stick. Tracking is a great place to start.

    Good luck!
  • breytab
    breytab Posts: 4 Member
    hello, another adult ballet student here. For pointe pre, I can't recommend Lisa Howell's perfect pointe book enough! Congrats to be on pointe soon!
  • Photograhicsoul
    Photograhicsoul Posts: 23 Member
    breytab wrote: »
    hello, another adult ballet student here. For pointe pre, I can't recommend Lisa Howell's perfect pointe book enough! Congrats to be on pointe soon!

    That is the book I got actually, and it has been helping SO much, really!! And I am on pointe already and absolutely love it! It's hard but it changed something in me as a dancer. We are going really slow since we are all adult dancers going en pointe for a first time. It's still awesome though, getting to do it a little bit more each class.
  • jmule24
    jmule24 Posts: 1,382 Member
    I used to be a dancer until I had two kids. Oh how I miss those days!!!!!!
  • Photograhicsoul
    Photograhicsoul Posts: 23 Member
    jmule24 wrote: »
    I used to be a dancer until I had two kids. Oh how I miss those days!!!!!!

    I hope you get a chance to get back to it, at least as a hobby! In my group we have people of all ages, and all standing(working, studying, taking care of family, even pregnant) and when we are in the studio, all of that doesn't matter, we are just dancers. I would guess with kids it's hard to find the time for a while, but I hope one day you do, dancing is so beneficial in so many ways.