How long did it take you to lose last 10-15lbs ?

I'm about 10-15lbs away from my goal weight and noticed a slow down in my weight loss. In August I just barely lost 2lbs compared to my 4-6lbs a month before. My question is how long it took you to lose the last bit of weight, should I expect it to stay at 2lbs a month? Any advice?

I started doing much more weights and limiting my cardio to shortish interval sessions.

Thanks :)


  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    Yes, when you have only a little left to lose, 2 lbs/ month (or approximately 1/2 lb per week) is what is usually suggested as a normal and healthy rate of weight loss.

    The reasons are many, but can primarily be described that since you weigh less, your body simply requires less energy to function day to day. It's easy to create a 1,000 calorie/day deficit when your body burns 3,500 calories per day - it's not so easy when your body only burns 2,000 per day.
  • becalee26
    becalee26 Posts: 185 Member
    Maybe eat maintenance for a week or so then go back to a deficit?