New baby, New month, New start

It's the beginning of the month, beginning of mommyhood, and the beginning of my new healthier lifestyle~ It may take a while to get to where is like to be but hey, it took twenty years to put on all these pounds so I can't expect them to be gone in a day! I'll be taking baby steps, you have to learn to crawl before you can walk, so my goals will be little. This month: Exersice at least 4 times a week, eat less sugars, and smile more :) Why smile as a goal? Because a smile a day will keep the blues away~ This months weight goal: lose 4lbs. Why? That's about a pound a week (plus a little more just in case I get off track with my eating or exersicing, because hey, life happens!) Anyway~ I'd love read some of your goals and maybe we can help each other along the way! :)


  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Perfect attitude :)

    And baby steps is the way forward. Congratulations on becoming a Mummy and good luck on your journey! MFP will help you!