Calorie counting vs. Limiting certain foods?

CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
edited September 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
Due to a demanding schedule, I switched a month ago from a calorie-counting lifestyle to a simpler eating plan that limits certain foods. These are the general rules I'm following:

1. No white bread, white rice, etc. (choose whole grains)
2. No soda
3. No alcohol
4. No deep-fried foods

I am granted 280 kcal per day with which to break any or all of the above rules. In other words, yes, I'm totally in the clear sharing a bottle of wine with friends after a long day! :smile:

Thoughts? I suspect, as long as my weight is doing what I like, I'm getting a wide variety of nutrients, and I'm fueling myself adequately for physical activity--it's all good.


  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    Due to a demanding schedule, I switched a month ago from a calorie-counting lifestyle to a simpler eating plan that limits certain foods. These are the general rules I'm following:

    1. No white bread, white rice, etc. (choose whole grains)
    2. No soda
    3. No alcohol
    4. No deep-fried foods

    I am granted 280 kcal per day with which to break any or all of the above rules. In other words, yes, I'm totally in the clear sharing a bottle of wine with friends after a long day! :smile:

    Thoughts? I suspect, as long as my weight is doing what I like, I'm getting a wide variety of nutrients, and I'm fueling myself adequately for physical activity--it's all good.

    At the end of the day - your last sentence is correct.

    If your plan is working for you and you believe it will be sustainable long-term, then have at it.

    I don't know that I'd recommend such a plan to the vast majority of the population, but if it works for you, who are we to say it's wrong?
  • jaqcan
    jaqcan Posts: 498 Member
    You can still over eat while avoiding all those foods. I like the freedom that comes with calorie counting. I know exactly what I can eat, how much of something I get for dinner, etc. Maybe you just need a break from counting, but how can you adequately know how much you are eating if you're not counting.
    Are you trying to lose or maintain? I can do fairly ok while maintaining, but if I'm losing, I need the number limits of counting calories.
  • Jimmy_Jack
    Jimmy_Jack Posts: 12 Member
    How do you count your calories? Are you just counting overall calories or doing by macros? Eating clean and simple can be a great way to account for your macros/calories but at the end of the day its a calories in vs calories out equation. If you are just at the point of maintaining then you may be fine. If you are still trying to lose/gain then you will need to pay more attention to the amounts.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    If it works for you and you can stick with it, go for it.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Due to a demanding schedule, I switched a month ago from a calorie-counting lifestyle to a simpler eating plan that limits certain foods. These are the general rules I'm following:

    1. No white bread, white rice, etc. (choose whole grains)
    2. No soda
    3. No alcohol
    4. No deep-fried foods

    I am granted 280 kcal per day with which to break any or all of the above rules. In other words, yes, I'm totally in the clear sharing a bottle of wine with friends after a long day! :smile:

    Thoughts? I suspect, as long as my weight is doing what I like, I'm getting a wide variety of nutrients, and I'm fueling myself adequately for physical activity--it's all good.

    If it's working for you stick, with it.

  • CA_Underdog
    CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
    edited September 2015
    @Ceoverturf, thanks for replying. May all our paths lead us where we desire. :smile:

    @Jacqan, thanks for replying. I agree, we can gain weight eating anything from Krispy Cremes to Fage Yogurt. Practically, some foods are more satiating than others, and some foods are even psychological triggers for me. How do I know how much I eat? Day-to-day, I've no idea! It must be 1,800 kcal or less on average, since my weight's dropped 10lbs this past month. Some of that is likely water weight. I know and have experienced the freedom you're referring to. I'm enjoying a similar but different freedom--that of eating until I'm full, even restaurant food, and not logging afterwards.

    @Jimmy, thanks for replying. I am losing weight eating this way. If my weight stalls at some point, I still have calorie counting as a tool in my arsenal. This may be new way. This may only be my way for a bit. Time will tell. :)
  • CA_Underdog
    CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
    @DeguelloTex, @Bronan_The_Brobarian, @tennisdude2004 - Much appreciated! It may seem odd that I asked this here, but I highly value MFP's supportive and knowledgeable community.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    Due to a demanding schedule, I switched a month ago from a calorie-counting lifestyle to a simpler eating plan that limits certain foods. These are the general rules I'm following:

    1. No white bread, white rice, etc. (choose whole grains)
    2. No soda
    3. No alcohol
    4. No deep-fried foods

    I am granted 280 kcal per day with which to break any or all of the above rules. In other words, yes, I'm totally in the clear sharing a bottle of wine with friends after a long day! :smile:

    Thoughts? I suspect, as long as my weight is doing what I like, I'm getting a wide variety of nutrients, and I'm fueling myself adequately for physical activity--it's all good.

    At the end of the day - your last sentence is correct.

    If your plan is working for you and you believe it will be sustainable long-term, then have at it.

    I don't know that I'd recommend such a plan to the vast majority of the population, but if it works for you, who are we to say it's wrong?

    This. Although, since you allow 280 calories for a splurge, I'm guessing you're doing this in addition to calorie counting? Seems odd to have rules plus log your calories to be in a deficit, but it it helps you stick to your goals, whatever works.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Let me see if I understand. You follow your rules 80% of the time. But if you do consume wine, white bread, deep fried food, etc., then THOSE calories -- and only those calories -- you count in a day and you've limited yourself to 280 calories of those specific foods per day?

    So that's:
    -a big glass of wine
    -3 slices of bread
    -a small-ish order of french fries
    -two cans of coke
    or some mixture of the above?
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    For weight loss the main issue is creating an energy deficit to force your body to burn stored energy reserves. There are many ways to do it but the end result must be that deficit. For other reasons you may wish to restrict or limit certain foods and if you are clear on why and not suffering from any nutrient deficiencies then do what feels right for you.
  • CA_Underdog
    CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
    edited September 2015
    @Auddii - Thanks for replying. Say I eat chipotle meatballs (made w/ whole grain bread), pearled barley, and sauteed mushrooms--dinner was actually quite yummy and kid-friendly! I didn't log/count anything and ate as much as I wanted. However, if I had paired that meal with a glass of wine, I would need to count the wine's calories.

    @WBB55 - Thanks for replying. Exactly correct. :)
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    @Auddii - Thanks for replying. Say I eat chipotle meatballs (made w/ whole grain bread), pearled barley, and sauteed mushrooms--dinner was actually quite yummy and kid-friendly! I didn't log/count anything and ate as much as I wanted. However, if I had paired that meal with a glass of wine, I would need to count the wine's calories.

    @WBB55 - Thanks for replying. Exactly correct. :)

    Makes sense. As long as it works, I don't see an issue. If your weight loss stalls, you may need to reconsider.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Thoughts? I suspect, as long as my weight is doing what I like, I'm getting a wide variety of nutrients, and I'm fueling myself adequately for physical activity--it's all good.

    I suspect this is correct.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited September 2015
    Thoughts? I suspect, as long as my weight is doing what I like, I'm getting a wide variety of nutrients, and I'm fueling myself adequately for physical activity--it's all good.


    I'm jealous, though, since I don't really eat any of those (certainly not more than 280 cal/day), and I definitely still have to count calories.
  • CA_Underdog
    CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
    edited September 2015
    @Need2Exercise, thanks for your thoughts.

    @Lemurcat12 - But, you already look to be at a healthy weight, you run marathons.. and you're a cat! :smiley: Whatever you're doing to manage your physique seems to be very effective for you. Friendly jealousy, right back!
  • sixxpoint
    sixxpoint Posts: 3,529 Member
    edited September 2015
    There is a different between AVOIDING foods and LIMITING foods. You should limit processed foods. You should avoid industrial trans fats. See the difference?
    1. No white bread, white rice, etc. (choose whole grains)
    2. No soda
    3. No alcohol
    4. No deep-fried foods

    There's nothing wrong with any of these foods. I personally don't drink soda because of the high sugar content and caloric load, but alcohol can be enjoyed in moderation.

    White rice and Brown rice is extremely similar from a nutritional standpoint. However, white rice tastes a hell of a lot better.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    How long did you count calories for?
    I ask because the longer one has counted calories the better idea one has of appropriate portion size, calorie dense food, and nutritionally dense food.

    Are you at all worried that you dropped 2.5 lb a week over the past month?
    This is a little on the high side unless you are obese.
    Not eating enough can be as problematic as eating too much.

    I counted calories for a year while losing, then for a few months at maintenance to get a greater understanding of my portions.

    For the past 6 years I have maintained by not counting 80% of the time. It is quite easy as my satiety and portion size coincide. However, about twice a year, I spend a few weeks counting. This is to reaffirm my portion sizing, adjust my intake, (I only do structured exercises fall and winter and can rapidly lose if I don't up my intake enough.), or on the odd occasion the scale is showing a consistent gain.

    I don't think I could do food exclusions and count only those calories, I, personally would find it counterproductive.

    If you are happy with your results, I am happy for you, though I would encourage you to watch the scale very carefully, and come back to count for a couple of weeks if your weight is moving too fast or too slow.

    Cheers, h.
  • hamlet1222
    hamlet1222 Posts: 459 Member
    Those limitations wouldn't work for me, I'd be all over chocolate and ice cream. Other than counting calories, the only other way I've found is banning myself from snacks, and just having 3 normal sized balanced meals.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    @Auddii - Thanks for replying. Say I eat chipotle meatballs (made w/ whole grain bread), pearled barley, and sauteed mushrooms--dinner was actually quite yummy and kid-friendly! I didn't log/count anything and ate as much as I wanted. However, if I had paired that meal with a glass of wine, I would need to count the wine's calories.

    @WBB55 - Thanks for replying. Exactly correct. :)
    This would work for me to maintain (I mean, if I chose the things I needed to track closely) I bet, but I'm not sure it'd work to lose. It's simply WAY too easy to eat 2000 calories of "healthy" things. I'm glad it's working for you :)
  • Janetteg82
    Janetteg82 Posts: 7 Member
    I drink wine frequently, but I also try to lead a paleo lifestyle as much as possible i.e., no grains, no legumes, no cow milk (I make an exception as I can't live without greek yogurt). I am pretty strong/thin but would like to get stronger and see some abs. I am guessing the love of wine is preventing the abs.