1200 or 1500??

hey I started this 4 days ago and this app told me to eat the 1200 cals a day as I have been plus half of my burnt cals... That scooby link told me i should be eating 1500? Also went the docs today and they said it's unhealthy to eat the 1200 and should be having the 1500? What should I do stick to the 1200 or go with the 1500? I have 6 stone to loose in total and have my fitness level set to sedentary and wanting to loose 2lb week... Im 5ft1 if that makes a diffrence? Before diet I was consuming a lot of calories as was drinking fizzy all day and eating crap a lot basically .. Thanks x


  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    MFP calculation of 1200 doesn't include any exercise.

    When you put your stats in scooby - did you indicate you exercised at all? Because the number it gives you does include exercise.

    So either do 1500 (scooby) or 1200 + exercise (MFP). They'll probably end up about the same.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    edited September 2015
    What has 1200 + 1/2 your exercise calories equaled? You're comparing TDEE (Scooby) vs NEAT (MFP). TDEE takes your exercise into account where NEAT does not. It's quite possible that the 1200 + 1/2 is getting you into that 1400-1500 range, which would be about what Scooby says too.

    Remember, we talked about this yesterday. If 1500 is TDEE-20% for you that means your TDEE is about 1800-1900 cals, so 1200 cals won't equate 2lbs per week weight loss, it'd be about 1.5 or so. It takes 1000 cal per day deficit to lose 2lbs per week which would be a 1000 per day intake. The TDEE -20% you chose would equated about a 1lb per week loss.
  • avilancaster871
    avilancaster871 Posts: 147 Member
    I didn't enter exersize into that scooby just weight height age and goal weight ect... On here going of the 1200 I normally burn min of 400 cals a day but only eat back half of that so be eating 1400 in total so should I just leave it how it is? X
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I didn't enter exersize into that scooby just weight height age and goal weight ect... On here going of the 1200 I normally burn min of 400 cals a day but only eat back half of that so be eating 1400 in total so should I just leave it how it is? X

    You should enter your exercise in the TDEE calculator as well and see what you get.

  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    Scoobie's TDEE and MFP's net calories should be pretty close once you add in your exercise. I would go with the TDEE if there is a difference but they are both rough guidelines. You will need to monitor your weight loss and then adjust accordingly.
  • LunaMischief
    LunaMischief Posts: 166 Member
    I personally go with Scooby's calc, as I would starve on only 1200 cals. i'm also set at 1500 cals
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    Scoobie's TDEE and MFP's net calories should be pretty close once you add in your exercise. I would go with the TDEE if there is a difference but they are both rough guidelines. You will need to monitor your weight loss and then adjust accordingly.

    Yep I agree - pick one and go with it for a few weeks.

    If you're not achieving your desired results, then adjust accordingly.
  • avilancaster871
    avilancaster871 Posts: 147 Member
    Well with my 1200 plus 1/2 my burnt cals works out at a min of 1400 a day so only 100 cals less then the scooby' calculations as if I went with the scooby's u wouldnt include burnt cals would u? So doesn't it work out the same? X
  • avilancaster871
    avilancaster871 Posts: 147 Member

    This is the results to that scooby
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    edited September 2015
    Well with my 1200 plus 1/2 my burnt cals works out at a min of 1400 a day so only 100 cals less then the scooby' calculations as if I went with the scooby's u wouldnt include burnt cals would u? So doesn't it work out the same? X

    There will often be slight difference. When using TDEE you do not eat back exercise calories as is often recommended with MFP calculations. TDEE automatically includes these calories in the calculation so there is no adjustment necessary. Once you've gone a couple weeks or so you can get a better idea of how accurate either method is for your personal situation and then adjust accordingly.
  • avilancaster871
    avilancaster871 Posts: 147 Member
    Ok thank you :smile:
  • ardrasdesign
    ardrasdesign Posts: 7 Member
    hey I started this 4 days ago and this app told me to eat the 1200 cals a day as I have been plus half of my burnt cals... That scooby link told me i should be eating 1500? Also went the docs today and they said it's unhealthy to eat the 1200 and should be having the 1500? What should I do stick to the 1200 or go with the 1500? I have 6 stone to loose in total and have my fitness level set to sedentary and wanting to loose 2lb week... Im 5ft1 if that makes a diffrence? Before diet I was consuming a lot of calories as was drinking fizzy all day and eating crap a lot basically .. Thanks x

    Just learn to eat great food and enjoy it. Fast once in awhile. Just don't eat crap food. Most of us know what crap food is. Learn about that. The number should never drop below 1000 or above 2000. Your body will handle it if you eat 1500 calories. It depends on your activity, weight gain and age. If you are not gaining or losing, you know your maintenance number. If you want to lose, make sure you are cutting a bit and being more active.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    hey I started this 4 days ago and this app told me to eat the 1200 cals a day as I have been plus half of my burnt cals... That scooby link told me i should be eating 1500? Also went the docs today and they said it's unhealthy to eat the 1200 and should be having the 1500? What should I do stick to the 1200 or go with the 1500? I have 6 stone to loose in total and have my fitness level set to sedentary and wanting to loose 2lb week... Im 5ft1 if that makes a diffrence? Before diet I was consuming a lot of calories as was drinking fizzy all day and eating crap a lot basically .. Thanks x

    Just learn to eat great food and enjoy it. Fast once in awhile. Just don't eat crap food. Most of us know what crap food is. Learn about that. The number should never drop below 1000 or above 2000. Your body will handle it if you eat 1500 calories. It depends on your activity, weight gain and age. If you are not gaining or losing, you know your maintenance number. If you want to lose, make sure you are cutting a bit and being more active.

  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Hello :)

    I used to follow a 1200 calorie plan to the T. I was miserable - but yes I was losing weight. It turns out, after 4 months on the dreaded 1200, I discovered I COULD eat more, feel fuller and STILL lose weight. It felt like a miracle.

    I calculated my TDEE which is around 1750. I subtracted 250 calories which got me to around 1500ish. This is what I eat per day to lose 0.5lb per week. I'm very near to goal so losing anymore than that isn't necessary for me anymore. I don't eat back exercise calories because it was all accounted for in the TDEE (I hope this isn't confusing, I'm useless at explaining things). Long story short, depending on your goals and stats - you most certainly can be eating more and if your doctor has advised it then DEFINITELY eat more :)
  • avilancaster871
    avilancaster871 Posts: 147 Member
    Hello :)

    I used to follow a 1200 calorie plan to the T. I was miserable - but yes I was losing weight. It turns out, after 4 months on the dreaded 1200, I discovered I COULD eat more, feel fuller and STILL lose weight. It felt like a miracle.

    I calculated my TDEE which is around 1750. I subtracted 250 calories which got me to around 1500ish. This is what I eat per day to lose 0.5lb per week. I'm very near to goal so losing anymore than that isn't necessary for me anymore. I don't eat back exercise calories because it was all accounted for in the TDEE (I hope this isn't confusing, I'm useless at explaining things). Long story short, depending on your goals and stats - you most certainly can be eating more and if your doctor has advised it then DEFINITELY eat more :)

    Iv only just started and want to loose 6 stone so set it at the 2lb a week mark as have so much to loose ... Don't worry I find all this confusing ! Lol
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Hello :)

    I used to follow a 1200 calorie plan to the T. I was miserable - but yes I was losing weight. It turns out, after 4 months on the dreaded 1200, I discovered I COULD eat more, feel fuller and STILL lose weight. It felt like a miracle.

    I calculated my TDEE which is around 1750. I subtracted 250 calories which got me to around 1500ish. This is what I eat per day to lose 0.5lb per week. I'm very near to goal so losing anymore than that isn't necessary for me anymore. I don't eat back exercise calories because it was all accounted for in the TDEE (I hope this isn't confusing, I'm useless at explaining things). Long story short, depending on your goals and stats - you most certainly can be eating more and if your doctor has advised it then DEFINITELY eat more :)

    Iv only just started and want to loose 6 stone so set it at the 2lb a week mark as have so much to loose ... Don't worry I find all this confusing ! Lol

    It can be REALLY confusing, I was completely lost when I started out. Basically, if you are working out a good amount - I'd up the calories to at least 1300-1400. 1200 is really extreme. :)
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    hey I started this 4 days ago and this app told me to eat the 1200 cals a day as I have been plus half of my burnt cals... That scooby link told me i should be eating 1500? Also went the docs today and they said it's unhealthy to eat the 1200 and should be having the 1500? What should I do stick to the 1200 or go with the 1500? I have 6 stone to loose in total and have my fitness level set to sedentary and wanting to loose 2lb week... Im 5ft1 if that makes a diffrence? Before diet I was consuming a lot of calories as was drinking fizzy all day and eating crap a lot basically .. Thanks x

    Just learn to eat great food and enjoy it. Fast once in awhile. Just don't eat crap food. Most of us know what crap food is. Learn about that. The number should never drop below 1000 or above 2000. Your body will handle it if you eat 1500 calories. It depends on your activity, weight gain and age. If you are not gaining or losing, you know your maintenance number. If you want to lose, make sure you are cutting a bit and being more active.

    I get what you are trying to say but your numbers are pulled from a hat by the looks of it. There is no reason to believe that 1000 is the floor (although it's probably safe to say it's around that point) or that 2000 is the ceiling. It really all depends, as you do say, on the activity level. If someone is really active they can have a huge TDEE so you really have to guage based on your own life style. I prefer to look at it as calories/lb for activity level rather than a straight number. For me, when I'm most active I can be around 30cal/lb for my maintenance but other times I'll be around 20cals/lb.
  • AspenDan
    AspenDan Posts: 703 Member
    I have this issue, where ppl say "just eat less calories than you burn" but it's kinda tough to tell how much you actually burn. One site said my TDEE was 3600, another said it was 2400, and other all said varying amount in between...Really I'm just kinda wingin it on my calorie goals, and as long as I feel good AND lose weight, I'm happy.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Hello :)

    I used to follow a 1200 calorie plan to the T. I was miserable - but yes I was losing weight. It turns out, after 4 months on the dreaded 1200, I discovered I COULD eat more, feel fuller and STILL lose weight. It felt like a miracle.

    I calculated my TDEE which is around 1750. I subtracted 250 calories which got me to around 1500ish. This is what I eat per day to lose 0.5lb per week. I'm very near to goal so losing anymore than that isn't necessary for me anymore. I don't eat back exercise calories because it was all accounted for in the TDEE (I hope this isn't confusing, I'm useless at explaining things). Long story short, depending on your goals and stats - you most certainly can be eating more and if your doctor has advised it then DEFINITELY eat more :)

    Iv only just started and want to loose 6 stone so set it at the 2lb a week mark as have so much to loose ... Don't worry I find all this confusing ! Lol

    Scooby's does a percentage of your TDEE whereas MFP takes a specific amount away. They both are more-or-less calculating the same data.

    Scooby philosophy "eat 80% of your daily needs to lose weight safely."
    MFP philosophy "eat 500 calories less than your TDEE to lose 1 lb. per week."

    Those are different goals, so that's why they're giving you different exact numbers as a goal.
  • Mistraal1981
    Mistraal1981 Posts: 453 Member
    edited September 2015
    Let's not lose sight of the fact that OP is a shorty at 5ft1in so actually 1200 isn't scary low. I'm 5'3" and mfp has me on 1390 to lose 0.5lb a week.

    OP I bet you find if you reduce the amount you want to lose per week to 1lb you will find MFP still has you at 1200 because it won't go lower than that. This means that your 2lbs per week will not be achieved in a healthy way and actually you may end up frustrated you aren't losing as you thought you should.

    Which brings me to my next point...

    When you are short you have very little room for error with your logging. You must be accurate with scale weight in grams, not cups. Also worth triple checking the item in the database as sometimes there can be 100-500 calories difference between entries. Us shorties cannot have that kind of discrepancy and lose weight.