Calorie Goals

Hi, I was wondering what you all think of using the calories you don't eat through the week one day on the weekend... for example...

My calorie goal is 1,200 and I struggle to eat 1,200 per day (I don't know how!!) so I was thinking on Saturday tea time to have something "off plan" but using the calories I don't eat through the week so I don't go over my 1,200 on that day...I exercise 5 times per week but I do not add this to my diary as my calories will increase meaning I will eat more.. What would you suggest?

Hope it makes sense! :)


  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    You have only 7 lbs left to lose, if you're ticker is correct. With that small of a goal, check to see that your weight loss goal is set to 0.5lb/week.
    Log your exercise and eat back half the calories. Most calorie burns from exercise are high; therefore, eating back half is a decent goal. You need to fuel your exercise.
    Have you checked what your BMR may be? You should never eat below that amount as it is the amount of calories your body needs each day to be healthy (keep organs working, your brain sharp, etc) in a sedentary state.

    With that in mind, yes, you can look at your calorie goals in a weekly fashion and "save" calories for the weekend. However, if you keep your goal at 1200 it isn't recommended as this is probably too low already for your BMR. Never eat below your BMR.
  • G33K_G1RL
    G33K_G1RL Posts: 283 Member
    PaytraB wrote: »
    You have only 7 lbs left to lose, if you're ticker is correct. With that small of a goal, check to see that your weight loss goal is set to 0.5lb/week.
    Log your exercise and eat back half the calories. Most calorie burns from exercise are high; therefore, eating back half is a decent goal. You need to fuel your exercise.
    Have you checked what your BMR may be? You should never eat below that amount as it is the amount of calories your body needs each day to be healthy (keep organs working, your brain sharp, etc) in a sedentary state.

    With that in mind, yes, you can look at your calorie goals in a weekly fashion and "save" calories for the weekend. However, if you keep your goal at 1200 it isn't recommended as this is probably too low already for your BMR. Never eat below your BMR.

    ^This. If you aren't being closely monitored by a doctor, you shouldn't be under 1200 calories. It is very difficult to get all your essential nutrients in a 1200 cal diet, and few people have a BMR under 1200.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited September 2015
    Calorie dense foods.......nuts, nut butters, avocado, olive oil, full fat dairy, eggs

    I eat 100% of my exercise calories (modest estimates) because I want to lose fat. Really large deficits make it harder for your body to support existing lean muscle. If your workouts amount to a few hundred calories (or more) some of them back. Try to limit muscle loss.

    At 23 years old, you can eat more than 1200 and still lose weight. 1200 is more appropriate for petite....senior ladies.
  • Ashleigh_91
    Ashleigh_91 Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you everyone. I have my BMR which is "You have a BMR of 1491.85" I have upped my calories on fitness pal app to 1,500. I've just been on the scales and I've put weight on which is so annoying as I've been eating 1,200 cals!!! :'(
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Thank you everyone. I have my BMR which is "You have a BMR of 1491.85" I have upped my calories on fitness pal app to 1,500. I've just been on the scales and I've put weight on which is so annoying as I've been eating 1,200 cals!!! :'(

    It could be water weight. Normal fluctuation is 2-4 pounds (TOM, sore muscles, high sodium day). Don't stress too much.
  • Ashleigh_91
    Ashleigh_91 Posts: 22 Member
    I do drink a lot of water so fingers crossed!! Il get weighed in the morning and see. Thank you so much for your advice. :)
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited September 2015
    Thank you everyone. I have my BMR which is "You have a BMR of 1491.85" I have upped my calories on fitness pal app to 1,500. I've just been on the scales and I've put weight on which is so annoying as I've been eating 1,200 cals!!! :'(
    "Put on weight" over what time frame? Yesterday to today? Last week to this week? Since you started until today? Keep in mind that weight loss is not linear. Water retention can easily disguise fat loss over the short term and our bodies are constantly retaining and shedding water throughout the day as you breathe, eat and drink, sweat, use the bathroom, eat more or less sodium and due to hormonal fluctuations. Never worry about a fluctuation from day-to-day. Unless you ate many thousands of calories over your goal it is always water.
  • Ashleigh_91
    Ashleigh_91 Posts: 22 Member
    From last week! I didn't have a great weekend but I wasn't bad enough to put on 4ibs!! I will check my weight tomorrow hopefully it's just water.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Four pounds of fat requires eating a 14,000 calorie surplus.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    From last week! I didn't have a great weekend but I wasn't bad enough to put on 4ibs!! I will check my weight tomorrow hopefully it's just water.

    I can easily gain 5 pounds of water during my time of the month. More than likely you ate quite a bit of sodium over the weekend and are retaining water from it. You may want to skip weighing on Mondays after a bad weekend if it bothers you. :smile:
  • Ashleigh_91
    Ashleigh_91 Posts: 22 Member
    Four pounds of fat requires eating a 14,000 calorie surplus.

    Wow I didn't over eat that much! Lol
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Four pounds of fat requires eating a 14,000 calorie surplus.

    Wow I didn't over eat that much! Lol

    Then you didn't gain four pounds of fat. Pretty simple.