New friends on here to who is serious to loose weight !!!

Need help to shed lbs!!! For wedding in October HELP!!!!!


  • amyr271
    amyr271 Posts: 343 Member
    How much are you trying to lose and by what date?
  • mitasuri
    mitasuri Posts: 41 Member
    20 lbs by October 15 th
  • cathliz71
    cathliz71 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi there! You can add me as a friend if you like. 20lbs by Oct is a lot! Good luck!!

    I have my wedding in May and I am looking to lose 15lbs by then. I keep losing and gaining the same few pounds. Sept is the start of back to school and it is the start of my journey. I am going to journal my food and activity every day!
  • RosaScot90
    RosaScot90 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I'm Cat. I'm 24 and not terribly overweight (11 stone) but really feel it as I'm quite short. I used to be very active but have put on weight in the last couple of years ago due to injury and my weight has been fluctuating since then so I'm hoping to get it down a bit and keep things a bit more steady.

    Going on holiday towards the end of October so would like to make a bit of a dent before then :smile:

    Feel free to add me, I could do with buddies on here to help motivate me!
  • jenn10302001
    jenn10302001 Posts: 27 Member
    I just rejoined and I don't have any friends. Feel free to add me. I'm looking to lose 20-25 pounds. No end date in mind yet, but I'm on a mission.
  • mitasuri
    mitasuri Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks guys this helps a lot I also write down all food I take all
    Day let see if this help crossing my finger