Jillian Michaels body revolution - starting on 24 June

Hi guys ,

Im getting married in 83 days and i really need to get in shape so I just bought her DVD set and will start it on Monday.
Never did anything like before. So don't know what to expect.
Anybody did that before ? Was it successful ?
Looking for people who want to start on Monday and I think it would be good to support each other.


  • trini14
    trini14 Posts: 110 Member
    Hi! Congrats on the wedding. I actually started already finishing up week 2 this week. I'll be starting week 3 on Monday. To be honest I'm a little scared (kidding, well...maybe just a little bit LOL)

    She continously gives good motivation. I hate when she says "if these guys can do it, you can do it". ALL of them are in amazing shape. Besides that I love the program I'm sweating profusely. However, I would recommend not doing it when your tired. Try to do it at your peak time when you have the most energy.

    Cardio 1, you will hate the suicides. I like Workout 2 better than Workout 1 for some reason. Its okay if you can't do all the reps. Just do what you can, and then be amazed the next time when you go a little further. I hate the crunches. You will hate the Running Man, mark my words!!!

    I've already seen changes, especially in my running. Have fun with the program and enjoy the changes in your body.
  • rakoczigabi

    Thanks your answer.
    I'm so excited to start today. I will do mine around 7 pm after work because unfortunately I don't have any time in the morning.
    I hope it's gonna go well , and I will keep it up. I never did anything like before , always went to the gym but lately I got a bit lazy and lost my gym motivation.
    Just got a bike from my fiancé yesterday so from today I cycling to work , 20 mins there and 20 back.

    Yeah I agree with you , all those people look absolutely fit and toned so I hope I can do the exercises too.

    I thought its a good idea to start because its just 30 mins a day so I hope I won't give up.

    Are you following the diet plan ?

    I decided not to. But I will cut back my calories. No pasta, no potatoes ( only sweet potatoes ) and a little bread. And trying to avoid sweet stuff , it's gonna be hard because I've got a sweet tooth. But will try.
    Trying to eat lots fruits and vegetables and white meats.

    And good lunch with your journey :-)