PORTION sizes - let's be serious here



  • jaga13
    jaga13 Posts: 1,149 Member
    I only use the label serving as a calculation method. My oatmeal suggests a serving equal to 300 calories. I eat a third of that for 100 calories but add in other items for a total of about 300 calories but more protein and fat. A serving can be whatever is appropriate for your calorie and macro needs.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Side of every package has serving size.
  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    I use the old-fashioned oatmeal and I weigh out what the package says is a serving. Here in the US, it's 40g. I add 8 oz of water and microwave for 4 min. I shake some cinnamon and Splenda in: it's kind of thin with that much water but I find it keeps me just fine until lunch. As a smallish woman, I don't have many daily calories, so I have to watch it!
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Okay well that's sorta what I do - but here in Ireland, a serving of rolled oats is 30g, but in the states it seems to be 45g (according to Bobs Red Mill anyway). Gets me confused as I think im eating enough but apparently - im really, REALLY not.

    Been in your shoes, eat two Irish servings. I eat two packets of Chex instant oatmeal when that's all I am having. I ate a full cup of Greek yogurt this morning, but I usually eat a half cup. I knew I was taking a four hour hike today and I tried to fill my tank before hand.