Back again and got a few questions. Please help!

Hi! I'm back after falling off the wagon again and being in denial that I don't help. I can't do this alone. Do you guys know where I can read peoples weight loss stories about how they lost weight, what they ate, did they give up a certain food group, or just ate in a calorie deficit. I've been reading about this Dr. Axe guy that says you should totally cut out grains and sugar to lose fat. This all makes me crazy inside. Thanks for any help. Amy


  • bametels
    bametels Posts: 950 Member
    There is a forum here on MFP called "Success Stories." I find many people's stories to be inspirational.

    Eating in a calorie deficit is the only way to lose weight. While some people benefit from special diet plans for various reasons (e.g., food allergies/sensitivities or because it keeps them away from foods that trigger them to overeat), you must burn more calories than you consume to lose weight.

    After years and years of gain some weight, lose some weight, gain back more weight...I've finally had success in maintaining a loss of 50 lbs. for over a year now. I didn't use any special diet. I focus on eating more healthfully, increasing my exercise (walking most days), and most importantly, I weighing, measuring, and logging my food most days. I made a lot of small changes over time, rather than following a fad, unsustainable diet plan. I finally feel confident that I've developed a new lifestyle that will allow me to maintain this weight.

    Feel free to send me a Friend request if you want support! Good luck!!
  • Chasity6
    Chasity6 Posts: 183 Member
    I have 135 to lose I am following a paleoish diet. So far losing well. Eating better, also not starving every few hours. Always looking for new friends to help keep me inspired on my journey. Feel free to add me.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,454 Member
    Once you figure out what works for you, stick to it. New habits need to be formed and adjusments will be made later, but this is definitely a marathon. The Success Stories forum is a good place to start for motivation and folks here are happy to help. Ask them questions.
  • williamdolce
    williamdolce Posts: 26 Member
    Try a ketogenetic diet. Basically no or low carb diet.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    My advice - don't cut out anything that you don't plan on giving up forever. This is what people who talk about lifestyle changes mean - it's not your lifestyle "while on a diet" - it's your lifestyle for maintenance. We all hope to maintain forever.

    Like Bametels says......small changes over time. Log your current foods & tweak your choices here and there. I love my sugary cereal, after measuring a portion (ouch!) .....I realized that it usually isn't worth it. If I had been doing low carb (or no sugar)....I would not have learned that. Measuring & logging gives you tools to use in the future.

    Filling foods have protein, fat, and/or fiber. Stay hydrated, sometimes you will feel hungry.....but it may actually be thirst.

    After the diet thing is squared away, start moving more. Exercise is for fitness, but active people use more calories....this is a good thing for maintaining your "new" weight.
  • LoveIshie
    LoveIshie Posts: 94 Member
    @Rocknlotsofrolls, follow what bametels suggested about the forum on MFP. As for what the Dr., if i am correct, I believe he's referring to a high protein/low carbs diet. For example you eat salad/fruits/and meat, but your meat is a particular cut of meat. Meat such as chicken breast, fish and lean steak or pork, but will probably have to eat more white meat instead. I think in my opinion you can get away with eating grain as long as it isn't processed. There are a lot of processed grains out there. For example, don't buy rice that has words such as "bleached or enriched" written on the packaged. Those words means they were processed and the good nutrients were taken and and replaced with junk that's bad for you.

    Anyways I hope everything makes sense to you. Feel free to add me if you need an accountability partner. I wish you the best!