Clothes shopping is sooo depressing

I try to avoid clothes shopping as everything i try on makes me feel sooo fat and disgusting but I really needed some new work clothes as mine are looking really tatty now, as i avoid it until my clothes are just completely worn out and i have no choice but to go clothes shopping, lol. I have lost a little weight and buying new clothes shoud be a boost but it wasnt :'(


  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    Sorry to hear- it will get better! I have been clothes shopping at thrift stores all year as I've been shrinking and I plan to treat myself to some actual new clothes once I reach my goal, which is in about ten pounds (but it might take me another 4-5 months because it's coming off slowly- but that's okay).
  • sfinsc
    sfinsc Posts: 169 Member
    I've felt this before and you're right, it IS miserable. But the good news is, it does get better--much better. For now just keep your eyes on the prize. And maybe even remember this feeling to keep yourself motivated on those days when it's hardest. You CAN and WILL get there!