I can't take a break. HELP

I exercise everyday. I switch it up between running, walking, biking, swimming and just dance. I always do a pre-cardio routine (I switch that up too) that gets my blood pumping while involving abs and legs, sometimes arms. I've taken about three to four break days since May 28th where I didn't work out at all or I just did my pre-cardio routine. The thought of skipping an exercise day stresses me out. What should I do?


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    You should wrap your brain around the fact that the benefits of exercise are actually reaped with rest. When you're constantly workout out, you're not reaping 100% of the benefits for your body. Also, a rest day doesn't mean you sit around and do jack ****. You may actually be ok with what you're doing. A rest day for me just means I'm not doing anything vigorous...I'm not running, sprinting, pushing and pulling iron, etc. I walk the dog, take a leisurely bike ride, go for a swim, etc. Just not "workout"...more recreation. This allows my muscles to rest and rebuild from my strenuous work and I come back to it better than ever. I take one rest day per week...sometimes two if I've been killin' it.

    If you overdo it, ultimately you will end up injured and sitting your *kitten* on the couch for a lot longer than a day.
  • davideickelmann
    davideickelmann Posts: 87 Member
    I exercise everyday. I switch it up between running, walking, biking, swimming and just dance. I always do a pre-cardio routine (I switch that up too) that gets my blood pumping while involving abs and legs, sometimes arms. I've taken about three to four break days since May 28th where I didn't work out at all or I just did my pre-cardio routine. The thought of skipping an exercise day stresses me out. What should I do?

    Are you experiencing signs of overtraining? If not, continue working out.
  • RedfishGuy
    RedfishGuy Posts: 47 Member
    What helps me get my mind off not working out is getting good, s-faced drunk.
  • mikejholmes
    mikejholmes Posts: 291 Member
    I exercise everyday. I switch it up between running, walking, biking, swimming and just dance. I always do a pre-cardio routine (I switch that up too) that gets my blood pumping while involving abs and legs, sometimes arms. I've taken about three to four break days since May 28th where I didn't work out at all or I just did my pre-cardio routine. The thought of skipping an exercise day stresses me out. What should I do?

    Repeat this to yourself over and over and over again.
    You don't get healthy from working out -- you get healthy from RECOVERING from working out.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I exercise everyday. I switch it up between running, walking, biking, swimming and just dance. I always do a pre-cardio routine (I switch that up too) that gets my blood pumping while involving abs and legs, sometimes arms. I've taken about three to four break days since May 28th where I didn't work out at all or I just did my pre-cardio routine. The thought of skipping an exercise day stresses me out. What should I do?

    Are you experiencing signs of overtraining? If not, continue working out.

    This ^^ That routine doesn't sound like overtraining. For most of the time humans have existed, they were forced to be active everyday to stay alive. It's only recently in the grand scheme of things that "rest days" were even an option.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I'm the same way, I can't just NOT do anything, so recently I've forced myself to do yoga or a stretching routine as my rest day. It allows my body to recover and improves my flexibility.

    3-4 days off since May is nothing, I haven't taken a day off since recovering from knee surgery in September.
  • gensteele1
    gensteele1 Posts: 60 Member
    I totally feel your pain! I am having a hard time grasping the idea that I should probably take a "day off". I love the feeling I get from working out; the cardio and weight training aspects. However, I woke up this morning sore from head to toe (obviously due to the effects of good training sessions). After almost 2 weeks straight without this so-called rest, I'm afraid its catching up with me.....
  • Philllbis
    Philllbis Posts: 801 Member
    I did 10 months of working out 7 days a week. I got good results and didn't overtrain. I now workout 5-6 days a week and take at least one full day off from any exercise. I need that one or two days to keep me motivated to work hard when it is a work out day. Plus since lifting, my body needs a rest day especially after Deadlifts and squats.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    The thought of skipping an exercise day stresses me out.
    Get past the mental aspect and experiment with it, N=1.

    During your next work out be mindful of your energy level. Are you strong? Weak? How is your energy level?

    Force yourself to take a full day off. After the next exercise session ask yourself the same questions.
  • dwh77tx
    dwh77tx Posts: 513 Member
    As long as you are eating enough, sleeping well, not in pain, and still getting your period, you are fine. Last summer, I was overdoing it on the exercise and not eating enough- my body let me know by taking my period away for 6 months. I now usually take 1 rest day a week and enjoy it!
  • highmaintnance
    highmaintnance Posts: 215 Member
    What helps me get my mind off not working out is getting good, s-faced drunk.

    ^^^ This :drinker:
  • jakesfitness
    jakesfitness Posts: 123 Member
    you need your REST!! if you never let your body rest to recover, your muscles are never getting to properly repair themselves. i workout 5-6 days, and hate rest day because all i think about is working out, but i know that it is important for my body to recover. i dont think any of us are saying you need to stop for a couple of weeks or anything, just one day out of the week, chill and do aomething else to take your mind off of it. and dont stress! one day isnt going to make or break you.