
I'm new on here. I was told about this site from a lady I know. I'm 36 yrs. old and I need to loose weight!
I'm very hard to get going as far as exercising, and trying to eat right. I'm not good with calculating calories.
I pretty much eat then I try to watch how much I weight. I need someone who can be my so call coach to help
me along at first. I don't exercise, b/c it's hard to get motivated. So any help or advice would be appreciated.


  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member

    I reckon as you record your food and see what calories you are taking in, that will be motivational in itself.

    One example, I absolutely adore cream cheese baguettes and used to have two in one sitting before I started on MFP. The shock came as on day one after downloading MFP onto my i-phone, I tapped in "cream cheese" to see what the calories were. I was absolutely floored when I discovered that I had been eating 809 calories in cream cheese alone PER LUNCHTIME - this was for the cream cheese on its own - forget the baguette, breakfast, dinner and snacks per day LOL!

    No wonder I was piling on the weight!!

    I hasten to add I completely stopped eating cream cheese, it might have tasted nice but it was a killer for my weight loss programme :laugh: