I have always been "the fat girl..."



  • Christina8585
    Christina8585 Posts: 73 Member
    Good for you! And I can totally relate. I'm 28 and I feel like I blew my entire 20's by being fat. I didn't peruse the career that I really want because I was "going to lose weight" but didn't.
    I always get passed over by guys for skinny girls. Or listen to my size 2 friend tell me how a new guy she dated once bought her expensive hundred dollar running shoes after taking her to an expensive dinner. (Yeah, I've never been wined or dined anywhere without a playground).
    Or being the girl who can't wear high heels or a dress or sandles or anything really girly. My club etire was always black pants , and jeans with a low cut top. My friends, tiny mini skirts and dressed and 28 inch waists. Yeah... I know being the fat girl. Never give up. One day at a time.