PCOS and weight loss

hey anyone has pcos and having trouble loosing weight???!!


  • glitzy196
    glitzy196 Posts: 190 Member
    I have pcos, and i have found that my weight directly effects how bad it is, in fact i had been over weight my entire life. When i was 29 i weighed at 154 i was a healthy weight for the first time..ever. sure it was the absolute highest number..but i was not over weight...u got pregnant that week. We had not been using birth control for 3 years. ..well i gained 80 lbs..blah blah blah, lost it again...and got pregnant again. She is now 3. I weighed in at 190 this morning. My periods are getting much closer, 6 to 8 weeks..instead of 4 and 5 months. .

    I don't find it hard, i find that now that i am committed, it is coming off easily. I think pcos is caused by weight, and obviously people who get fat over eat abd have a problem with food.