For those that eat what they want



  • TheRealMichelle0111
    I meant I knew Thursday night that I would have 3/4 bottle on Friday.
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,647 Member
    I've lost by eating food I love but also by setting a higher calorie limit - 1800 + exercise calories. I could never eat 1200 and be anywhere near "happy." So the weight may come off a bit more slowly. I'm fine with that. I am less than 2 lbs from goal.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    edited September 2015
    I'm not always in a treat mood, but when I am, I have small portions. Or regular portions as was the case with my birthday cheesecake. My diary is open. Bear in mind that it looks like I'm running a terrible deficit because I still haven't adjusted the settings properly for how I'm syncing things between my Fitbit and how I'm eating. I'll figure it all out sooner or later. Right now what I'm doing is working out to be a vague TDEE method even though it looks weird.

    So far, I've lost 60 pounds. I'm 5'1" and 53 years old.
  • KateTii
    KateTii Posts: 886 Member
    I found treats that I enjoyed just as much but that were less calories than my usual treats. I swapped a tub of icecream (with portions scooped out) to a icecream stick that was super satisfying but low in calories (wasn't even a "diet" brand). Most lollies got replaced with liquorice and chewy mentos as I could eat that and enjoy it more. I found tempura chicken nuggets/fish were less calories than the crumbed variety so I buy those (I like tempura more anyway!)

    I would say I have 1-4 treats every night once all my other food has been eaten. Knowing I need those calories for in-bed snacking, it stops me from eating them during the day/office. As far as my coworkers know, I don't eat any "junk" anymore.
  • KittensMaster
    KittensMaster Posts: 748 Member
    I just eat what I need to fuel my activity level

    Pretty simple

    I can't stand all this clean eating and organic or gluten free stuff getting pushed in me as what I "have to do"

    If I'm gonna work out long and hard I may slam a Snickers and then take a few Quest bars

    Gotta feed the machine

    I don't eat cake and doughnuts since they have no protein like a Snickers bar

    It is funny to look at expensive Health Food Bars and compare to Snickers regular size. 250 calories, similar protein and carbs. 1/3 the price.

    5 miles into a ride it is burnt off anyways.

    I can't wait for the Organic Snickers, Vegan Snickers??

    It will be triple the price but so worth it.

  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    I've lost 64 pounds eating chocolate every day! I just always stick to my calorie goals. My other focus, along with calories, is protein. Usually during the daytime I focus on eating healthier high protein foods. Then in the evening I like to indulge with a bowl of ice cream or cookies. Yesterday I wanted to order pizza for dinner so I did a more intensive workout so I could eat 3 pieces. I would rather workout more and get to enjoy my food than be limited to one piece of pizza but that's just what works for me. As long as I'm meeting my protein goals, the remainder of the calories go to whatever food I'm in the mood for.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Well I don't eat everything I want. I've been wanting to try the Cheesecake Factory's sea salt caramel for weeks, for example, but I just can't imagine making it fit. There are things I'm craving that I just pretty much never eat because it's just too many calories for how non filling they are.

    The first key for me though is to pick a reasonable calorie goal. None of that 1200 calories BS. I never picked any option over losing 1 pound a week.

    Then it depends on your appetite too. I had no problem fitting a serving of ice cream as I was losing... now I'm typically hungrier and most days if I have more than 200 'empty' calories, I'll go to bed hungry. And I'm maintaining, so it sucks.

    But yeah, if I really want some ice cream, I'll have 100-150 calories worth. I just don't buy the high calorie stuff like B&J. If I want chocolate, I'll have a square or two. The higher calorie stuff (to some limit) I try to save for the week after my period as I'm typically less hungry those days anyway. Pizza fills me up pretty well for the 300 calories though so I have no problem fitting a slice of two when I really want some.

    But I also have a lower goal than I should, and go by weekly goal... so if I go over a day or two a week because I REALLY wanted something, it's not a big deal.

    And I only have high calorie foods that I really want. For example at lunch I'm going out to Uno to eat, and I could pick something with more calories if I wanted, but I don't really crave it, so I'm going with steak and veggies... but a breadstick sounds great so I'll eat it too. But the other day I had those croissants from Trader Joe's that I had been craving for years, so I had one... took me a bit over, but whatever, I didn't care for one day.
  • modestguineapig
    modestguineapig Posts: 23 Member
    TexasJade wrote: »
    For me it's easier to eliminate/cut way back on the carbs - but that's because I have some health issues that eating a lot of carbs tends to exacerbate. But the way you're talking about is just as valid and effective. My friend lost quite a bit of weight doing exactly what you're talking about. And if she wanted a treat, she just had the treat. She just compensated the rest of the day.

    I think compared to a lot of people, I naturally don't eat a ton if carbs due to preference. For the most part, the majority of my carbs come from sweet potatoes and oatmeal. But I do like occasional pizza or chips or corn tortillas with mexican food or a soda. I rarely eat bread or white potatoes. My carbs are usually 50 to 80 but not purposefully. What I run into though, is foods by association causing problems. If I want to treat myself to a couple of slices of pizza, I also want a soda to go with it or a soda with mexican food which I have had tortilla chips or corn tortillas. I have limited myself to 7 chips OR 2 tortillas and have adjusted to that ok.

    Maybe just have 4 or 6oz of soda and sip it slowly though your meal. I do that with beer or wine when I want it with a meal. I just eat less of what I was eating before- for instance, I have open-faced sandwiches with one slice of bread to save on calories, topped with tomato and lettuce (lettuce is a good top layer to grip). For treats, I will just have a half serving of a dessert. I eat it slowly and sip black tea with it. Without depriving myself of anything, I found I naturally pick more filling foods and don't crave things that aren't "worth" the calories very often. But when that craving comes...I make it fit with a smaller portion.

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    I eat everything and make it fit. If it doesn't and I happen to go over, then I log it and move on.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    I wanted to add some thoughts to what I said earlier.

    In the past, I used to diet by completely eliminating foods. One of the things that used to derail me was that way I'd make absolute rules for myself. I'm never having waffles again!

    Cue Carol caving and buying what she needed to make gluten free waffles. And then make them and eat them to excess because OMGI'MNEVERDOINGTHISAGAINTHEY"REBAAAAADDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Now? Well, just today, I had a passing taste for waffles and I'm in a different mindset. I'd have them if I wanted them badly enough. The thing is that just knowing that I'd allow myself to have them? It was easier to say ... nah, I'd rather spend the calories on something else. On a different day, I might make a different decision.

    You could sub out the word "waffles" with pizza or burritos or anything else like that. My thought process with past dieting attempts was the same. I feel that my thinking around food is much more rational this time around. I work with all the foods I like and my overall eating plan in a way I hope will be sustainable for life. Yes, even that double gluten-free brownie with ice cream, hot fudge, and caramel they serve at the Silver Diner. I'll eat it again some day!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited September 2015
    I lost 44 pounds, and have been maintaining for over a year and a half, eating what I want, just not as much as I want.

    I plan ahead, log, and sometimes I go over. It's okay, though.

    My diary is open.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    I eat everything and make it fit. If it doesn't and I happen to go over, then I log it and move on.


    we eat out a lot. when we do so, it is *usually* my big meal of the day and the rest is lighter. I generally skip breakfast if i am at home but if we go out and grab something, i get it. Had mcdonalds for breakfast the past 2 days LOL. typically though, lunch is what we eat out and it can be fast food, pizza, mexican, whatever sounds good at the moment.....

    I do workout, almost every day, and eat back around half of my exercise calories and sometimes (usually weekends due to drinking).... eat them all (but i would not advise that on a daily basis!)

    i make what i want fit, and if it doesn't, I log and the next day is a new day.

    I pretty consistently lose between 1-2 pounds per week eating 1400ish calories (before exercise)
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    edited September 2015
    Most days I cook a balanced dinner and try to really feature the veggies. Especially now that there are so many wonderful things in season locally. I make enough to have leftovers for lunch the next day. Every work day for lunch I have my leftovers, some kind of fruit and a little bit of dark chocolate. Every night I have some ice cream or some other dessert. I east real butter, drink whole milk, sometimes down a pan of brownies in 24 hours and enjoy steak and hamburger as much as chicken and fish. Occasionally when I come home from work I have a sweet or savory snack. I decide what and how much based on the goal MFP gives me with adjustments from my fitbit. I also have been working to be more careful to keep my net calories down around or below 2,000.

    My weight loss is slower because I allow myself to eat when I am hungry. and sometimes go a little over my goal, as long as I manage to keep at least a small deficit.

    I can eat a lot more calories and still lose weight because I am very active almost every day. And yet I don't go to a gym or do exercise for the sake of exercise. I just have a work and play life that keeps me moving and using my body a lot.

    I just ate an entire frozen pizza for dinner and plan to have cherry pie tonight.

    Weight loss isn't a race to be won by getting there fast, it is won by making sustainable lifestyle changes. Giving up things that you enjoy just isn't what I would all sustainable. Learning to fit them into a healthy eating habit makes more sense.

    My diary is open.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    Four kids here, two under two. I lift heavy and run, I'm in maintenance but that runs around 2600 calories for me (I don't count anymore) because of my activity. I eat cheeseburgers, beer, brownies... I also make "healthier" choices during my day like smoothies to get my veggies in, fish, etc. I pre plan and prep meals and snacks.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    TexasJade wrote: »
    What works best for you? I also notice that, I usually like to have whatever it is later in the day and I feel like am being too fussy with food earlier in the day and paying to much attention to the food log and fitting things in. I just wish I could eat with a little more freedom and not have to worry I am going to eat too much early on and not have the majority of my cals left for evening.

    My calorie goal is not too restrictive. I started with a goal of 1 lb a week and now it is .5 lb a week. I accept losing weight slower but more comfortably.
    I find pre-logging my whole day to be really helpful. I start with logging dinner, then lunch and breakfast and whatever calories are leftover are for snacks that day. No fussing. I just look at what I had planned and eat it. I have stuff I like every single day. I can also see what portion size fits best. If the portion size seems too pathetic I make a choice to go over my calorie goal or find something different that I like that fits better.
    I eat a portion of my exercise calories and have a general idea of what exercise I will do that day so I know I have a few extra calories to work with.
    I look at my weekly calories rather than just my daily calories.
    I know that it is okay to eat a maintenance level every now and then and still lose weight.

    Today is dh's birthday. Dessert is going to be a peanut butter pie calorie bomb. I've planned for it. I'm going to eat a smaller portion. I'm doing extra exercise. I stuck closer to or below my calorie goal the previous days this week.

  • TexasJade
    TexasJade Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks for all the tips and perspective.
    I am set to 1lb a week. I get 1570 cals for that. I do not weigh foods yet, just measure, so not 100% accurate. For that reason, I am not eating back step based calories right now. The last couple of times, I knew nothing of the food scale for weight loss and just went by MFP origanal goals for me and it worked well. I briefly tried eating back half the cals when I got the fitbit and felt like it slowed me down. I am trying to learn to eat in a way that will be sustainable and allow me to enjoy the foods I really want in moderation.
    Yesterday was my DH's birthday and I chose not to log or fitbit for the day. I was able to enjoy myself and still felt like I stayed a good bit under maintenance. Yesterday was my first day off from it. I am back at it today.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    TexasJade wrote: »
    I am set to 1lb a week. I get 1570 cals for that. I do not weigh foods yet, just measure, so not 100% accurate. For that reason, I am not eating back step based calories right now.

    Your Fitbit burn is TDEE (total daily energy expenditure), the calories necessary to maintain your current weight. If you get a food scale (weigh everything—including packaged foods) and follow these directions, you'll be eating TDEE minus an appropriate deficit for your size.

    Connect your accounts at

    Set your goal to .5 lb. per week for every 25 lbs. you're overweight:

    Enable negative calorie adjustments:

    In the MFP app, go to More > Steps and choose Fitbit.

    Ignore your Fitbit calorie goal and follow MFP's, eating back your adjustments. No need to log any step-based activity—your Fitbit is tracking it for you. Log non-step exercise (like swimming or biking) either in Fitbit or in MFP—never both. Exercise logged in MFP overwrites your Fitbit burn during that time.

    You can learn more in the Fitbit Users group:
  • halleyucaldwell
    halleyucaldwell Posts: 26 Member
    TexasJade wrote: »
    What does eating what you want look like for you? I want to try that this time. This is my third round of losing weight, each after babies. I was successful before but was super strict. I want to include more "treat" items this time because I think that will help my mind frame, knowing I can have some things I really want, just keep them in my goals. But so far what that looks like for me is one of three things...

    1. Having a little of all of whatever I want and not very much overall food because there are too many cals
    2. Having one treat item of moderate size and not being able to eat much of anything else and end up hungry
    3. Not eating enough of treat item to make it worth it, so I can stay in the cals, and feeling like I wasted my cals

    What works best for you? I also notice that, I usually like to have whatever it is later in the day and I feel like am being too fussy with food earlier in the day and paying to much attention to the food log and fitting things in. I just wish I could eat with a little more freedom and not have to worry I am going to eat too much early on and not have the majority of my cals left for evening.

    The first time I lost weight, three babies ago, I didn't know anything about MFP. I just ate low cal, nutritionally dense food most of the time and if I treated myself to something it was 1/2 cup of ice cream a couple times a week in place of milk or cheese. I am not a big sweet eater otherwise but occasionally would like a soda, fried pie, or tortilla chips, even guacamole, nuts, a slice of pizza but I feel like it is all too much of a calorie hit. Never mind I wouldn't touch nachos or enchiladas anymore. I like all the food I eat but is it too much to ask to have something I reeeallly want most days?

    I focus on weekly calories. I usually stay a bit under my daily calorie goal every day. I used those "saved" calories on a treat. It usually ends up being only once or twice per week and I always start over on Monday. This way I stay within my allotted calories but I have a bit more freedom.
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    My diary is open. So if you look at it you'll notice I pretty much do 1200-1300 calories during my work week and that allows me to have pizza or go out to dinner with the family on the weekend. Now of course I can't eat the whole pizza but as your stomach shrinks you'll notice you won't need to. I don't believe that a highly restrictive diet is sustainable. Yeah you're gonna have to limit your portion sizes of some of those high calorie items but it doesn't mean you can't have them. Learning moderation now is very important and will help us maintain the weightloss once we reach our goal.
  • yummypotroast
    yummypotroast Posts: 31 Member
    I cook meals at home that are nutritious and low calorie (veggie soups, stir fry) in order to make room for snacks. I love cake and I've been eating a decently sized piece every day. I'm still losing weight!

    I find that simply knowing the caloric values of foods make eating at a deficit much easier. I was out at a cafe with a friend the other day and wanted a treat, and would've chosen a waffle with an iced latte. But the cafe had a sheet with all the calorie information and to my surprise, the iced latte was 350kcal and the waffle was 730kcal!! Much more than what I expected. Also surprising was that the tiramisu cake was only 250kcal hahah, which was what I ended up having instead. Seriously dodged a bullet! It really pays to know how much you're eating, or to check if you're not sure!