
I'm jaime and I am trying to lose weight! I'd really like to be in smaller clothing by our vacation in 57 days.. not like super small just maybe have more of my wardrobe open for me to wear lol. I like to cook and love to eat which has always been my downfall (I was a pastry chef) but am trying to lose weight for my baby, I love her to death. I had complications at the end which *may* have been weight related (and a little bit of incompetence on the medical staff... ok maybe a lot) but I'm hoping if I lose the weight I won't have those issues (and switch hospitals) incase I want another baby.. which I might or might not want..

anyway I'm rambling



  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member

    Welcome to MFP. This tool has been extremely helpful for me. I hope it does the same for you.

    What has worked for me

    1) Find the TDEE calculator from the web. I have been using TDEE-20% as my daily calorie goal. Search for TDEE and BMR at the MFP boards. There is a lot of information out there.

    2) Log everything you eat. I bought a kitchen scale, a set of measuring cups and a set of measuring spoons. I found that my eyeballing portions was way off and I was eating more calories than I thought.

    3) Log your physical activity and calories burned. I bought a Heart Rate Monitor (HRM) for this. Models with chest strap worked better for me. I eat 80% of my daily burned calories (to keep with number 1 above). Gym machines calories burned readings are not accurate.

    4) I follow Michael Pollan's suggestion: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.

    Good luck in your journey
  • LMJS
    LMJS Posts: 157 Member
    Hi Jaime,

    I have been on MFP for only a couple of weeks, but have felt so motivated since I joined from all the great support. I'm also trying to loose a 'few' lbs before my holiday and have a goal after that of about 42lbs.
    I enjoy cooking too and have found MFP to be so easy to add in your own home recipes, so it gets easier the more you do.
    I would be very glad to have you as a friend, so add me if you would like some more support :-)

  • barnhijl
    barnhijl Posts: 3
    thanks everyone :)