Post exercise protein?

So after buying my running shoes, the shop assistant was telling me the best things to do re: running and he mentioned getting in protein max 10mins after a run. What I forgot to ask is "how much protein is needed?"
I know it'll vary depending on the length/intensity of the workout. I'm only running 5-8km at the moment. Any insight?


  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    The shop assistant was wrong.

    Meal timing doesn't matter. As long as you hit your macros, you're fine.
    • 0.6-0.8g of protein per lb of body mass
    • 0.4-0.45g of fat per lb of body mass
    • fill rest of calories with carbs
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I never have anything 10 minutes after a run, other than water!

    As long as you're getting enough protein in general, it doesn't matter.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    The shop assistant was wrong.

    Meal timing doesn't matter. As long as you hit your macros, you're fine.
    • 0.6-0.8g of protein per lb of body mass
    • 0.4-0.45g of fat per lb of body mass
    • fill rest of calories with carbs

    I'll disagree slightly. For the average athlete, meal timing is irrelevent.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,583 Member
    Unneeded if you're reaching your daily protein goals. If you're a competitive/elite athlete, it MAY help, but the average person exercising...............nah.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • hamelle2
    hamelle2 Posts: 297 Member
    The shop assistant was wrong.

    Meal timing doesn't matter. As long as you hit your macros, you're fine.
    • 0.6-0.8g of protein per lb of body mass
    • 0.4-0.45g of fat per lb of body mass
    • fill rest of calories with carbs

    Hi lsaack. Could you explain why you recommend .4 to .45 gms of fat? I'm trying to learn. Thank you!
  • Syleyna
    Syleyna Posts: 86 Member
    Haha okay thanks all.
    Everyone always has different ideas on how things should work! I'll experiment as I start running more and see what works for me.