Help please☺️

I did my first 5k today! And I loved it! I am not an active person and didn't really train for it! But when I finished I felt so good about myself and I want to do more and start moving more towards a healthier life style.

I guess my question is should I get started?! My workouts usually consist of running on the treadmill using my 5k app and doing some machines at the gym but nothing that I feel like is working.
I want more of a week by week plan that is maybe planned out for me???
Does anyone have anything that they like or that has worked out for them?!

Thanks in advance


  • kazredhead
    kazredhead Posts: 13 Member
    There is a couch to 10k on the NHS website which might be a good plan to follow to take you to the next level - I am doing couch to 5K at the moment - am on week 2 of 9. The pain has yet to start!! Good luck
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    I workout 6 days a week for 1 hour..... alternating days of 3 days cardio and 3 days strength training rest on Sunday .......wishing you much success :)
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    C210K is a good app with weekly workout sessions that increase your running time (or distance, depending upon which program you're using). If you are already running 5K, find a week in the middle of the program that sounds right to you and start from there.