How to workout?!

That may be a stupid question.....
I workout and feel good after workouts but I really don't feel like I target the right areas. I don't know how to explain it.
My workouts are usually me doing my 5k app then doing machines at the gym.
I guess my question is what does everyone do to workout? I would love to have a plan or some sort of outline to tell me what workouts I should do!


  • daremightythings
    daremightythings Posts: 247 Member
    Look into the book New Rules of Lifting for Women. If you feel like that's too complicated or too beginner-level, download the Stronglifts 5x5 app and go to to learn the lifts.

    Once you progress to the point that you can bust out a 5k and not feel like it's a challenge, there are a number of bridge to 10k type apps that will help you learn to run for distance and pace.

    Good luck!
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    If you like lifting I agree that stronglifts is a great place to start. Everyone is going to have a different routine and it's taken me a couple if years to find a routine that suits me. I lift 3 times a week and do 2 classes. One is a boxing type class with lots of squats and lunges and push ups and crunches and jumping jacks etc. The other class is circuits which is the similar to the other one but with added weights and without the boxing!

    My routine has evolved as I have, nothing is set in stone. Do what you enjoy and progress at your own pace. I wonder, from what you say, if its the 'doing machines at the gym' part that you arent finding fulfilling. I never enjoyed working with the machines but once I got confident with free weights things really took off.
  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    A Detailed plan could be pretty expansive. I agree with a 5x5 routine if you're just getting into it. I'd be here all day if I were to outline every individual workout, rep range, and superset scheme I use.

    But my split is day 1 chest/abs, day 2 back/traps/forearms, day 3 rest, day 4 shoulder/abs, day 5tricep/biceps/forearms, day 6 glutes/quads/hamstrings/calves, day 7 rest. With mild tricep work on chest day, along with mild bicep work on back day. Both get used anyways so why not thrown in a few isolation sets for each one. Along with 5-15 minutes skipping and some stretching.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I do SL 5x5 now and I've done Wendler's 5/3/1 and PHUL in the past. I am just sure to be on a structured lifting program with a progressive overload. Pick a program! SL 5x5 and Starting Strength are great for beginners. I like the New Rules of Lifting for Women read but I would never run that program personally.