Concerned - my freinds think I have a weight problem

Hi. I'm writing because I'm a bit concerned. A couple of my freinds have expressed concerns about my weight and think I might be anorexic. In my opinion I know I'm kinds thin, but nothing serious. My BMI is 17.4 (I'm 49 kg and 5 foot 6). The body fat calculators (based on skinfolds) say anything from 13.5 up to 18% though. I'm happy with how I look (I'm just on here to maintain). My time of the month is regular, but apparently you can still menstruate when anorexic (this was news to me).
The reason I'm a bit concerned as my heart does seem to have developed palpatations a lot and they scare me, but Im easy to scare with health issues. My skin has also been dry and itchy for the last year (I lost 7kg after a trauma experience last year and went down to 47kg, but I am up to 49 now).
I exercise 5 to 6 times a week (very intense workout on the crosstrainer for 45 mins, and then 15 of weights). I do suffer from what the doc thinks might be chronic fatige but he has asked if I want to see an eating disorder clinic too.
Are they being overly concerned or am I ust failing to see that my weight might be a problem? Any help gratefully appreciated.

ps: I tried to figure out my frame size, but the wrist method said I had a small frame, and the elbow one said I had a large frame. So I have no idea. I have very broad shoulders so I think possibly medium to large.


  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Your friends and your doctor are concerned you may have an eating disorder. You're very low weight for your height and experiencing negative health effects that can be consistent with an eating disorder.

    It's quite possible you have an eating disorder.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    How many calories are you eating? There's obviously more to this story for your dr to want you to be seen at an eating disorder clinic.
  • MsAnnThropy
    MsAnnThropy Posts: 16 Member
    thanks you guys for posting. Jw, I know I have disordered eating, but I don't know if it qualifies as anorexia is all. I'm eating 1800 calories a day minimum, sometimes 2000, which is more than this site even recommends to maintain (it suggests I will gain weight on that but I cant control my hunger so I never stick to the recommendation whcih is 1600 - 1800 per day). In short, I calorie count, but I certainly dont starve myself. I think it is my freinds reaction to the fact I used to be larger, and the doc is reacting to the numbers. I have to admit I hate how I look when I gain even a couple of pounds and it sends me into fits of self disgust, but that is the only thing I think tips me into the realm of "having a problem". What I really want to know is, do I worry at this stage and get help?
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 738 Member
    Anorexia as a specific diagnostic criteria. Look it up and see if u fit. Ur obviously not in the US from the way u report ur weight or I would say reference the DSM. just because its not anorexia does not mean its not bulimia (no the difference is not binging and purging) diagnostic differential is based on weight. It could also be a eating disorder nos. yes u can still have a period bc it is only one of a list of potential symptoms. Besides if ur on birth control, u will most likely NOT lose ur period even if u were anorexic. If ur worried, ur friends r worried, ur doctors worried, u admit to disordered eating u most likely might have at least a nos diagnosis. Eating disorders r rarely if ever truly about weight. U would want to treat the underlying issue. Why not sign up for an assessment at an eating disorders clinic?
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I wouldn't say eating disorder, but you ought to see your doctor if you're experiencing palpitations. Better safe than sorry, you know?
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 738 Member
    Oh, FYI u can b overweight and have a eating disorder, u can be super skinny and not have an eating disorder. An evaluation will give u some answers. Best of luck! Hugs
  • MsAnnThropy
    MsAnnThropy Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks so much to you guys who took this seriously. I read the DSMV criteria througly with with a freind and it does fit. It's helped me see that I need to talk to a doctor about this. I just hope that councelling will help me come to terms with hating how I look at a heavier weight (cos I do).
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    Has your doctor checked your thyroid?
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Has your doctor checked your thyroid?

    Also, are you peri-menopausal or menopausal?