Get to know me!

Hey everyone, I'm Lexie! I'm 19, in college, I play violin, I love Jesus, shopping, dancing and food.... Which brings me to why I'm on mfp. That unlimited meal plan my first year of college and $800 of "flex" spending for restaurants around campus got me to my freshman/sophomore 15. I was having hibachi 2-3 times a week and visited the gym maybe a totally of 25-30 times the entire year (and that's being generous.) So about a month ago I figured I'd had it and want my pre freshman 15 body back. I joined a gym back home and I'm about 8 lbs in on my journey. Is anyone interested in being my accountability partner? I feel like maybe this could be easier if I had a partner or something ya know? The hardest part of this journey has been not eating what I want. The exercise has been fairly easy for me. It might take some motivation to get to the gym but once I'm there I'm pretty happy. Well I hope to meet more people through the app and I wish you all the best on your journey :)