Fast weird weight loss

Hi all. You've probably all seen my post . Im 24 years old. Im 4'11. Yes I know im short. My start weight was 185lbs. I am now at 173lbs...Thats 12lbs lost. Today starts week 4 of logging all my foods. So in 3 weeks I lost 12lbs. Now most of you probably say that 12lbs is water weight which is probably the replies im gonna get. I try to stay below my calorie goal of 1200 calories...Usually eat around 1000 a day. And burn 150-350 a 5 days a week. 2 rest days. I drink around 2-3 gatorade bottles full of water a day. Now I cant say that whole 3 weeks I ate within my calorie goal. The first week I did so well...Eating my calorie range. 2nd week I did great. 3rd week I cheated for a whole week due to family vacation. Id wake up in the morning everyday and the scale would say 177 176 175 177 175 177 176. Well for 3 days I have eaten my calorie goal. Get up this morning and the scale said 173. How I lost 3lbs in 3 days is beyond me. Im working really hard and im hoping I am doing everything correctly. Ive added alot of protein to my breakfast and lunch. But I eat whatever I want for dinner as long as its in my calorie range. 12lbs down in 3 weeks is alot and very fast. Just wanna know if anyone else has lost weight this fast? And when does it start slowing down? Is it safe to lose that much weight in 3 weeks?


  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    So basically, you're starving yourself and wondering why you're losing so quickly?
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    It's water loss but if you are truly weighing your food and eating below 1200 calories-stop!
    You will lose muscle and feel like shid in no time at all.
    Not healthy for you.
    Where's the fire?
    Slow down for long term success.
    Increase your calorie goal and eat back 1/2 your exercise calories!
  • sarahbiggins1
    sarahbiggins1 Posts: 3 Member
    well done on your loss :)
  • kristinhull1
    kristinhull1 Posts: 294 Member
    I have depression. So somedays I dont feel like eating 1200 calories. Somedays I binge eat. Trying to get my meds right.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Eating few calories on some days and then bingeing on other days go hand in hand. This is what our body does when it gets hungry. So stop doing that. Eat what MFP is telling you because you are making it harder then it needs to be. And get your meds right if that's the case.
  • kristinhull1
    kristinhull1 Posts: 294 Member
    They just put me back on some different meds...Said it could take up to 6 weeks. Im diagnosed with PTSD and depression.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Sorry to hear that. Hang in there :)
  • kristinhull1
    kristinhull1 Posts: 294 Member
    Thank you @queenliz99 im trying.
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Great job Kristin on losing and more importantly getting your meds straightened up. I am a scooch under 5' myself so I know the challenge. I also have days where I really have no appetite and struggle to get the calories in. My doctor told me to focus first on the protein and fat macros, and let the carbs end up where they will. Maybe on your lower calorie days use higher fat items like peanut butter, cheese, regular milk or nuts. It will give you a healthy calorie boost. Best wishes
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Folks, she's 4'11".
    The 1200-calorie minimum is for women of AVERAGE height.
    4'11" is decidedly NOT average height, so it's not surprising that she's eating fewer calories. :angry:
    Heck, I'm 5'10"-ish, and my doctor once told me I could go to 1300! (And that's w/o eating exercise calories.)

    Here's a calculator from the Baylor College of Medicine which will tell you your BMI at any weight, as well as how
    many calories to eat to maintain that weight, as well as how many servings of the food groups you should be eating.

    OP, it says that to maintain your current weight, if you're inactive you'd need 1600 cal.
    But... your BMI is 35, which is not healthy. (You knew that already.)
    At 120 lb your BMI would be 24.3 and if you were inactive you'd need 1370 cal.
    The low end of the healthy weight/BMI range would be 90 lb, 1230 cal.

    Why am I only looking at "inactive"?
    Because most people underestimate what they eat, and most machines overestimate calories burned.
    For most people, most of the time, those cancel out.
    So ignore exercise calories. Just eat at your healthy calorie goal, or slightly under.

    If you stop losing weight for a couple weeks, cut 50-100 cal & give it some time.
    Also, is your doctor OK with what you're doing? No medical issues? (I don't need to know, you 2 do.)
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Oh, and weight loss is not linear.
    As long as overall your weight is trending down, don't worry.
  • sakurablush
    sakurablush Posts: 104 Member
    Hang in there, and try to be kind to yourself if you can. Depression is a horrible illness, so you have my sympathies. I hope your losses equal out soon.
  • kristinhull1
    kristinhull1 Posts: 294 Member
    @MKEgal my goal weight is 125. @sakurablush thank you.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,485 Member
    MKEgal, you have posted the children to age 20 calculator, again.

    Kirsten, try to eat your 1200 cal a day, and try not to go under 1000.

    Weight loss in women can vary according to time of month, so try not to worry about the ups and downs.

    If you are consistently losing more than 2 lb a week, upping your calorie intake a little would be good.

    Hope the new meds work out.

    Cheers, h.