Looking for help/motivation

I'm not sure how to add people but I'd love to be apart of this group. I've been trying to lose weight since my little one and can't find anything that keeps me one track...any amount of help will help. I'm tired of starting over :-(


  • loveylittlebear2014
    Ok guess I wasn't replying to a group lol. So, as you can see I am new to this. I'm looking for a partner(s) to help motivate each other. With a baby, full-time job, school, and a deployed husband... It's hard to find time to be healthy. It's hard to stay accountable when it's just myself so I little help is needed and since I can't find a physical partner this is the next step. I hope someone is interested and we can get on this journey together. My weakness is chocolate and eating out of boredom… And sometimes plain laziness.