Wanting to eat low carb but have some questions and concerns

Hello all,
I have really been trying to do low carb because I just think that is what is going to help me as far as my weight lost. But have some questions. I stay below my carb range and I still always seem to go over the sugar. I really don't want to give up fruit and some foods that have very low sugar but still at the end of the day I go over. That is the only way I know how to keep fiber in my diet. I stay away from added sugars.
Second question is even though I am not much of a meat eater I eat cheese and protein drinks and yogurt. I would cut out more fruit and eat more protein but I have heard in the past from someone that high protein diets can hurt your kidneys and I'm not sure how true that is but I was born with one kidney and I know many people make out fine with one kidney but just wanted to know if anyone else has heard of this?


  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Honestly, I think you should see a registered dietician. They can help you determine the right macro balance for you. Not just because of the kidneys, but because of your diabetes. High protein can be challenging for the kidneys, and with only one, I am certain you wish to protect it. Please take your questions to a professional with the appropriate education levels to help you develop a sustainable and protective plan. Best wishes.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Most people who choose to go low carb also eat high fat. The majority of low carbers increase their fat intake to make up the missing foods. Using heavy cream, cheese, extra oils and salad dressings will make a difference. Eating nuts and avocado will also up your fats.

    In order to go low carb, you will have to give up some fruits if you eat a lot of fruit. Low carb is considered to be under 150g of carbs per day (although many go lower because carb cravings go as carb intake drops), You can eat a bit of fruit, or some berries at that point. If you go very low, like below 50g, your chances of eating fruit drops more. Grains (rice, quinoa, flour -breads, etc) will also raise your carbs. Baked goods are generally restricted on a low carb diet.

    There is no need to go high protein on a low carb diet. My protein is 20-25% even though my carbs are about 5%. My protein is usually between 80-90g per day, on a 1500 kcal diet. My fat is 70-75% of my diet.

    Try the Low Carber Daily forum for more people who eat LCHF.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Talk to your dr.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Due to your diabetes and your kidney, you really need to see your doctor or a dietitian.
    Ask those two questions.