134 pound weight loss in a year!

My Mom!

I want to acknowledge my mother for not only completely transforming her life and losing 134 pounds in a year but also for reinventing herself from the inside out! After being overweight most of her life she had tried every single diet you could name, south beach, atkins, weight watchers, nutrisystem, jenny craig, ideal protein.. you name it she has tried it! It is hard to grow up and know that your mother is unhappy, knowing that she didn’t see her value, and didn’t know her worth.

I could see her suffering, I could see her unhappiness and that is heartbreaking for a child. I had recently found an all natural health program that after careful research I knew would help her. It helped me lose 30 pounds in 2.5 months. Once I tried it though… It wasn’t even so much about the weight loss as it was the superior nutrition I was feeding my body and how I felt. I wasn’t exhausted and needing a nap every single day anymore. I KNEW in my heart if my mom would just try it she would feel better, lose weight, and be happier. She told me it was just another “fad” diet, a scam, it would never work. She had tried “everything” and she wasn’t going to waste anymore money.

I asked her if I could please buy it for her and if she would try it for 30 days. They have a 100% money back option with no questions asked so she said that if I was willing to spend my own money on it that she would try it. She said and I quote “but when this doesn’t work I am sending it back, getting all my money back and you can never bring it up to me again“.

I agreed.

By day 4 she says she woke up feeling happy for no reason, she didn’t know why.. she just felt happy and she had forgotten what that felt like. (She didn’t tell me this at the time cause she was so sure it wasn’t going to work and had to be a fluke!).

By the end of the 30 days my mom had lost 25 pounds and her energy was through the rough. My mom was smiling, and truly happy again. She went on to release 134 pounds in a year, (100 pounds in her first 8 months) and she has kept the weight off for over 2 years. It ended up not being a “diet” after all. It was a complete life change. It was a personality change, a transformtion. She is so much happier, positive, and uplifting, she is always up for trying new things.. When I say that this completely shifted her life, that is NO EXAGERATION.

It gave my mom her life back. I want to share this with you so you understand it is POSSIBLE. YOU Can do it. I don’t care how many diets you have tried and failed, I don’t care if your entire family was obese, I don’t care what your telling yourself to keep yourself stuck.. I want to tell you that IT IS POSSIBLE. YOU CAN DO IT. YOU ARE WORTH IT. You only have one life to live.. don’t let It pass you by. Take charge, take control and accomplish things you never dreamed possible.

Here are some helpful tips when trying to lose weight..

1.) Take your current weight and divide it by 2. So example if you weigh 140 pounds divide by 2 and = 70. which means you need to drink a minimum of 70 oz of water every single day.

2. Download the free app or sign up on the website Myfitnesspal.com You can track your calories, meals, workouts and weight as well as add friends to your account and encourage each other!

3. Go on youtube and seach Jillian michaels 30 day shred level 1.. do that workout from home once a day for 10 days and you will be amazed at the results you will see in 10 days! ;) (Best part is it is only 20 mins!)

I believe in helping others I believe in everyone becoming an even better version of themselves. I believe in living a life you always dreamed of!


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