Women over 50 ..... you know what I mean !

Would love know how to lose this extra 40 lbs, quit smoking 4 yrs ago, hypothyroidism and the big one menopause :s need support and ideas !!


  • dverano
    dverano Posts: 13 Member
    No real ideas but in the same boat! One pound at a time I guess.
  • Cheryl5819
    Cheryl5819 Posts: 2 Member
    Very frustrated .... Athletic my whole life 50 the new 30 ??? I don't know about that !
  • gingermalek
    gingermalek Posts: 1 Member
    I lost 50lbs in about 8 months by giving up a lot of processed foods. I substituted flavored olive oil for butter when cooking, eat more fish and chicken either fried or baked in the olive oil, added more vegetables to my diet, and followed MyFitnessPal calorie guide. I don't exercise as much as I should but try to walk whenever I can. I have been logging into MyFitnessPal for about 320 days now and will not miss a day. Even on my binge days, I log it all in. I am 58yrs old and feel great. My Dr is thrilled. Good luck.
  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    Cheryl5819 wrote: »
    Would love know how to lose this extra 40 lbs, quit smoking 4 yrs ago, hypothyroidism and the big one menopause :s need support and ideas !!

    Track food. Burn more calories than you eat. Only thing age does is slow down metabolism a bit, and makes it harder to exercise with higher intensities.
  • JackieAC1951
    JackieAC1951 Posts: 94 Member
    In 2014 I lost 62 pounds after going to work part-time in a retail store. I, too, have hypothyroidism. I recorded my calories religiously although there were some days I wish I didn't. My state of mind was that I was accountable for my actions, no one else, and to succeed, I needed to record both good and bad according to the recommended calories by MFP. This year I sort of fell off the wagon, and now I need to lose the 24 pounds that I regained plus 14 that I needed to make my goal. I still work the part-time job, and I consider the walking/stocking shelves my main exercise routine because the part-time job has almost turned into a full-time job. Oh, and I'm 64, and during 2014, I did feel like the new "30". I want to feel that way again; it's the best.
  • Linovitz
    Linovitz Posts: 79 Member
    I am 52 and lost 60 lbs over about 15 months (April 2014 to this summer). Slow and steady. I tracked EVERY BITE of food for 15 months. I also exercised 4-6 times per week - mix of cardio and weights. Started slow and low weights, then upped as I went along. I can now run 5k - best time 35 mins. I squat 95 lbs - not very impressive, but it works for me. I lunge with 30 lb bar. Shoulder lifts with 15lbs each side. Other advice - get a good trainer once per week to teach you different workouts and to keep you motivated. This is not a "must" but it helped me very much. You will hit plateaus - I hit several. Just keep on the plan and you will break through.
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    I'm 51...have lost 32 since January and am at my lowest adult weight...would like to lose a few more lbs but I feel good currently! I track every bite, weigh my food and stick with 1200 calories. it is boring eating for sure...I find that simpler foods are easier to deal with. Some chicken and apples for lunch, protein and some veggies at dinner...yogurt or an egg at breakfast. and some cut up fruit or veggies to nibble on throughout the day. I try and eat very few carbs and red meat as those both don't seem to help me much with weight loss even if I stay under my calories.

    I work out pretty regularly, nothing too intense, just walks, pilates, and other random activities...it is sloooooow going for sure, but totally worth it as the results start coming!
  • clh72569
    clh72569 Posts: 280 Member
    I am 53 and a 4'11" lady. I started at 150 lbs and am now at 108.
  • Kalezme
    Kalezme Posts: 9 Member
    :) 4 years ago I lost 30 lbs and gradually it all came back. This week I started again and have lost 2 lbs right off the bat. Now, to keep it off! I know what you mean about the menepause thing. It's tough! Some days it seems my appetite is ridiculous! And then there are days where my energy level is nil. I'm 62 and just keeping a good attitude taking one day at a time. The biggest thing for me is activity everyday. Yesterday I went to Refit. Tonight it will be Zumba! Love this class! Looking for other friends who are in a similar boat. Join me?
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    The important thing is that if you eat fewer calories than you burn, it works the same way it did when you were younger, even if that's fewer calories than most of us would like. I'm 50, I exercise, and I've been maintaining a healthy weight for years.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I found losing during perimenopause to be a constant battle. Geez, the hormone swings made all those years of PMS seem like a walk in the park. That seems to have subsided now and I find it easier than ever to stick to my plan.

    Exercise is more important now than ever though, as women tend to lose both muscle and bone post menopause. We need to work our diet and our bodies to prevent that.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Slow and steady. Don't set your weight loss goals too high; you risk losing incentive if the diet is too restricted. Weigh and log everything; it'll keep you on track and aware of what you're eating. That awareness will lead to better choices. Exercise is for your health more than it is for weight loss. Try to move everyday for your own benefit.
    You can do this. It's just a matter of time and patience.
  • Kelleygirl79
    Kelleygirl79 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm 54. I joined MFP the first week of May and set out to lose 2 lbs per week. I eat 1400 calories/day and 50-100 exercise calories back [if that]. Although I've worked out somewhat consistently through the years, I decided I'm not running another cardio step due to injuries. So I picked up the kettlebells 30 min day/6x week and probably won't ever do much more than that. I can NOT believe the strength, muscle definition and stamina I've gained with the kettlebells [and neither can my husband or family]. And I really like doing it!!

    I've lost 34 lbs.... exactly 2 lbs per week, right on schedule. I've surprised even myself because I was sure "I'm completely through menopause and I'm old, it will be HARD TO LOSE" and I found out that is NOT TRUE!

    16 more lbs until goal! Don't use the age thing as an excuse...

    MFP tools make losing weight so simple. Monitoring calories = managing my weight. I do spend ALOT of time planning, shopping, prepping and preparing fantastic healthy meals. My husband and I have never eaten such simple tasty meals... shrimp, tuna steak, steak and crab are all in rotation every week. Sounds expensive but it's not! We eat SO much less food quantity with no leftovers that $ even out over the long run. This effort has paid off big dividends: we haven't once felt hungry or deprived! Quite the opposite actually. We have finally turned the corner to better health.

    I feel better than I have in years. My doctor is going to be shocked when I see her in October. I had a blood screening (insurance purposes) last month and my #s compared to what they were (cholesterol 237>170 and triglycerides 172 >70 for example) have dropped significantly.
  • cricketbird1
    cricketbird1 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm almost 65 and was up to 257 lbs. I am now on the 8 week Thrive Experience and so far have lost 26 lbs but mostly it's given me energy and appetite control. I am a hypothyroid and had little to no energy but now it's off the charts and I can't wait until I reach my goal and post a before and after pic.
  • amyinfla
    amyinfla Posts: 15 Member
    YES!. I'm turning 50 in a couple of months. My weight started becoming an issue in my early 40s & I need to lose at least 40 lbs. Perimenopause, hypothyroidism, plus spinal fusion surgery 2 years ago are all contributing factors. . I walk 2 miles 4-5 days a week, and hubby and I keep fairly active with water sports, yet the scale needle keeps creeping upwards. I've used this app in the past, always with good results (it comes down to basic math between calories in & out.) So I've come to the conclusion that I need the accountability of tracking my food intake LONG TERM to make this work. Cheers!!
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I've been menopausal, because of surgery, for many years, and hypothyroid for decades. None of these things has been an impossible barrier. You can do what you need to do. It helps to be creative about increasing your physical activity for as much of the day as possible, especially when you aren't exercising.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    I dont have hyperthyroidism,but I'm 53 and lost 123 pounds a year and a half ago. Just count your calories, and eat less then you burn.
  • 0505jen
    0505jen Posts: 147 Member
    I lost 42 lbs. from April 2014 until January 2015, I have gained back about 8 lbs. but I figure I have also gained muscle from my workouts. I want to lose 10 lbs. and I have started today with a no junk for the rest of the month with my coworkers. I am counting calories and I am not going to use my exercise calories. I hope to reduce my junk cravings by doing this. I know it can be done this is a refresher!
  • TinyTexn59
    TinyTexn59 Posts: 96 Member
    You can do it! Don't rely on measuring cups/spoons. Use a scale for everything. I was shocked to find that oatmeal (label said 1/2 cup (90 grams) was way over 90 grams by half cup measure. 90 grams didn't fill the half cup. Lesson learned. Now I weigh everything and am finally losing. No more measuring cups!
  • betty1958
    betty1958 Posts: 8 Member
    Cheryl5819 wrote: »
    Would love know how to lose this extra 40 lbs, quit smoking 4 yrs ago, hypothyroidism and the big one menopause :s need support and ideas !!

    Hi Cheryl. I hear ya! I'm 56 quit smoking 13 years ago. Menopause is killing me need to lose at least 30 pounds. Help!!