Back in the swing of things!

This summer I ate horrible. No excuse for it other than laziness and excuses I would tell myself. I gained the 20 lbs I have previously lost back and was feeling down about myself so I decided to do something about it! I don't have a gym membership but am looking into different yoga or Zumba classes to take along with the walking I've started doing daily. I've had 3 reconstructive knee surgeries on one knee and dislocated my other one so I'm limited in what my body will allow me to do. My hopes in writing this post is to get some people to connect with on here for accountability and motivation to keep me on this heathy path I am on!


  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Congratulations on getting back on track :)
    You'll thank yourself for doing so. Wishing you the best of luck!
  • scornell603
    scornell603 Posts: 10 Member
    Congratulations on getting back on track :)
    You'll thank yourself for doing so. Wishing you the best of luck!

    Thank you !!
  • SaraD1971
    SaraD1971 Posts: 1 Member
    I applaud u for "getting back on track" I too am doing that and it is not an easy thing to do !!!! I hope you are doing it for YOU-as that is the only person who u should do this for !!! Hugs and good luck !!