Clean Eating difficulties...



  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    I think it's pretty much a site wide problem, and I see it on many food diaries. Lack of condiments. I know I know youre all saying but I cant eat condiments because I don't eat salt, gluten, sugar, GMO, or whatever restriction is floating around there. However, we can all spice up our diets with condiments the French, Indians, Japanese, and Mexicans all knew it. Condiments are the spice of life, so don't fear that jar of mustard or pass up that sprinkle of lemon pepper, or kabash the sourkraut. Love your condiments, love your spices, love your salts, and love your infused oils, love your vinegars.

    This message brought to you by the bring back condiments of america

    You should see my fridge, it's packed. Condiment queen here :)

    At least 5 different mustards (none of which are cheap yellow mustard), ketchup, Worchestershire, hoisin, horseradish, horsey sauce, wing sauce, soy sauce etc, etc fill up my cupboard and refrigerator door. None of these are "clean" because they all are processed. ALL of them will make my food very tasty when added in combination with lean meats, veggies, starches, and other herbs, spices, and seasonings. I need my herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments. I could survive on only black pepper if I needed to, but I don't need to so I go for flavors.

  • crystalewhite
    crystalewhite Posts: 422 Member
    earlnabby wrote: »
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    I think it's pretty much a site wide problem, and I see it on many food diaries. Lack of condiments. I know I know youre all saying but I cant eat condiments because I don't eat salt, gluten, sugar, GMO, or whatever restriction is floating around there. However, we can all spice up our diets with condiments the French, Indians, Japanese, and Mexicans all knew it. Condiments are the spice of life, so don't fear that jar of mustard or pass up that sprinkle of lemon pepper, or kabash the sourkraut. Love your condiments, love your spices, love your salts, and love your infused oils, love your vinegars.

    This message brought to you by the bring back condiments of america

    You should see my fridge, it's packed. Condiment queen here :)

    At least 5 different mustards (none of which are cheap yellow mustard), ketchup, Worchestershire, hoisin, horseradish, horsey sauce, wing sauce, soy sauce etc, etc fill up my cupboard and refrigerator door. None of these are "clean" because they all are processed. ALL of them will make my food very tasty when added in combination with lean meats, veggies, starches, and other herbs, spices, and seasonings. I need my herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments. I could survive on only black pepper if I needed to, but I don't need to so I go for flavors.

    Pardon me, but do you have any Grey Poupon?
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    earlnabby wrote: »
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    I think it's pretty much a site wide problem, and I see it on many food diaries. Lack of condiments. I know I know youre all saying but I cant eat condiments because I don't eat salt, gluten, sugar, GMO, or whatever restriction is floating around there. However, we can all spice up our diets with condiments the French, Indians, Japanese, and Mexicans all knew it. Condiments are the spice of life, so don't fear that jar of mustard or pass up that sprinkle of lemon pepper, or kabash the sourkraut. Love your condiments, love your spices, love your salts, and love your infused oils, love your vinegars.

    This message brought to you by the bring back condiments of america

    You should see my fridge, it's packed. Condiment queen here :)

    At least 5 different mustards (none of which are cheap yellow mustard), ketchup, Worchestershire, hoisin, horseradish, horsey sauce, wing sauce, soy sauce etc, etc fill up my cupboard and refrigerator door. None of these are "clean" because they all are processed. ALL of them will make my food very tasty when added in combination with lean meats, veggies, starches, and other herbs, spices, and seasonings. I need my herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments. I could survive on only black pepper if I needed to, but I don't need to so I go for flavors.

    Pardon me, but do you have any Grey Poupon?

    Sorry. My dijon is a local brand (but just as good). I occasionally go to the Mustard Museum in Madison and stock up from their store. I am a full fledged student of Poupon-U ( )
  • gaelicstorm26
    gaelicstorm26 Posts: 589 Member
    I'm not sure what you mean by "clean eating" but like a lot of other posters have said, add some different touches to your food to spice it up! I eat a lot of boneless, skinless chicken breast but I like to have it different ways. That might not work with your definition of "clean", but it pretty tasty and keeps food interesting. And seriously, I'm the kind of person who really wants to enjoy every bite of what I'm eating. I don't want dull, boring food that only serves to fuel my body...I want to enjoy it as well!

    Like others, I use condiments, spices, herbs, sauces, marinades, etc on my food. The nice part about it is that I can leave the food less seasoned for my husband and older son and my younger son and I can mix things up a bit.

    I also like to make homemade soups and freeze in individual portions for quick lunches. I did beef barley veggie two weeks ago and meant to make it again this weekend but the big pot was being used for meatballs!
  • Sharon009
    Sharon009 Posts: 327 Member
    There are lots of good websites with clean eating recipes that are flavorful..'100daysrealfood' is my favorite. I consider clean eating as food that is not processed. I think the type food you consume is just as, if not more important than the amount of calories consumed. I lost 20lbs using mfp to count calories but because a lot of it was processed, nonfat, lowfat, artificial sweetener, I ended up with severe acid reflux that resulted in a two day stay in the hospital and six months of 'clean' eating to straighten it out. I now am very mindful of what I put in my body. Good luck on your quest for clean eating, its difficult but not impossible.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    urloved33 wrote: »
    I know what you mean, I am eating clean for a straight 30 days and omg it is expensive. I bought fish and mussels over the weekend with a ton of fruit and fruit bars for a snack..lara bars.

    Sounds like it is your selections that are expensive, not the concept of clean eating. I've seen some websites that over-complicate the concept.

    - Chicken is less expensive than fish and mussels.
    - Fruit (and veggies) in season are cheaper at farm stands and farmer's outlets. Check and you may even find backyard gardeners looking for a home for their bumper zucchini crops. This time of year, my mom forces cucumbers on everyone who comes to her house.
    - I bet if you were to buy dried fruit and nuts separately, the per pound cost would be less than that of Lara Bars.

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Hey everyone...
    So I'm having trouble clean eating. I always come to a wall when it comes to making healthy recipes or even thinking of healthy snacks. Like I get lean meats and fruits and veggies. But I like stuff with tastes. And sometimes I just need some good comfort food. Pinterest kind of overwhelms me when I look at it because I don't have the biggest budget. Any ideas or tips for clean eating would be great. I feel like I keep eating the same food over and over and it's kinda making me nuts...which is usually when I slip up:/

    If you subscribe to they will email you new recipes periodically. I've been meaning to try this: but I am short a popsicle stick. Also, it's essentially the same as the Chocolate Pudding recipe from my Joy of Cooking, so I just made that.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Hey everyone...
    So I'm having trouble clean eating. I always come to a wall when it comes to making healthy recipes or even thinking of healthy snacks. Like I get lean meats and fruits and veggies. But I like stuff with tastes. And sometimes I just need some good comfort food. Pinterest kind of overwhelms me when I look at it because I don't have the biggest budget. Any ideas or tips for clean eating would be great. I feel like I keep eating the same food over and over and it's kinda making me nuts...which is usually when I slip up:/

    OP what are your criteria for "clean eating"? This term has a wide range of definitions and interpretations and I think it's because it is such a vague, subjective term, that people like you are frustrated and confused and not sure how to be successful.

    I think most people's definition of "clean eating" describes using primarily whole foods, and I think if you pick up any cookbook in your kitchen you'd have plenty of options that are considered "clean" depending on your own individual interpretation. You don't have to look for recipes that are explicitly labelled "clean".

    This is good advice.

    If you are somewhat new to cooking, rather than messing with "clean" recipes on Pinterest, why not invest in a good basic cookbook. Mark Bittman's How to Cook Everything is a good one for people starting out, and I liked his Fish book too. I also enjoyed Barbara Kafka's Roasting and Vegetable Love, although there are millions of cookbooks based around in-season vegetables which I have found fun for ideas.

    Epicurious has tons of recipes that are tasty, and I like to recommend a site, which is whole foods based and generally delicious with lots of appealing photos. When I just need inspiration I might look around there.

    My sister gets Cooking Light, and that isn't a bad magazine either -- pretty easy stuff.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Learn to cook. Experiment with herbs and spices.

    Get a copy of The New Vegetarian Cooking For Everyone. Its a great book and has earned it's reputation. :)
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Without getting into the clean part, there is an infinite combination of foods that have delicious flavors by themselves or in combination with others, not to mention all the herbs, spices & seasoning to add more.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Hey everyone...
    So I'm having trouble clean eating. I always come to a wall when it comes to making healthy recipes or even thinking of healthy snacks. Like I get lean meats and fruits and veggies. But I like stuff with tastes. And sometimes I just need some good comfort food. Pinterest kind of overwhelms me when I look at it because I don't have the biggest budget. Any ideas or tips for clean eating would be great. I feel like I keep eating the same food over and over and it's kinda making me nuts...which is usually when I slip up:/

    OP what are your criteria for "clean eating"? This term has a wide range of definitions and interpretations and I think it's because it is such a vague, subjective term, that people like you are frustrated and confused and not sure how to be successful.

    I think most people's definition of "clean eating" describes using primarily whole foods, and I think if you pick up any cookbook in your kitchen you'd have plenty of options that are considered "clean" depending on your own individual interpretation. You don't have to look for recipes that are explicitly labelled "clean".

    This is good advice.

    If you are somewhat new to cooking, rather than messing with "clean" recipes on Pinterest, why not invest in a good basic cookbook. Mark Bittman's How to Cook Everything is a good one for people starting out, and I liked his Fish book too. I also enjoyed Barbara Kafka's Roasting and Vegetable Love, although there are millions of cookbooks based around in-season vegetables which I have found fun for ideas.

    Epicurious has tons of recipes that are tasty, and I like to recommend a site, which is whole foods based and generally delicious with lots of appealing photos. When I just need inspiration I might look around there.

    My sister gets Cooking Light, and that isn't a bad magazine either -- pretty easy stuff.

    Another vote for Mark Bittman for people new to cooking or who want a fairly simple ingredient list. My library system has a bunch of his books - both paper and digital.

  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hey everyone...
    So I'm having trouble clean eating. I always come to a wall when it comes to making healthy recipes or even thinking of healthy snacks. Like I get lean meats and fruits and veggies. But I like stuff with tastes. And sometimes I just need some good comfort food. Pinterest kind of overwhelms me when I look at it because I don't have the biggest budget. Any ideas or tips for clean eating would be great. I feel like I keep eating the same food over and over and it's kinda making me nuts...which is usually when I slip up:/

    There are some good clean groups on MFP, for more sensible and useful suggestions I would look at those.

  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Hey everyone...
    So I'm having trouble clean eating. I always come to a wall when it comes to making healthy recipes or even thinking of healthy snacks. Like I get lean meats and fruits and veggies. But I like stuff with tastes. And sometimes I just need some good comfort food. Pinterest kind of overwhelms me when I look at it because I don't have the biggest budget. Any ideas or tips for clean eating would be great. I feel like I keep eating the same food over and over and it's kinda making me nuts...which is usually when I slip up:/

    There are some good clean groups on MFP, for more sensible and useful suggestions I would look at those.

    Because the suggestions here haven't been sensible or useful?

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Clean Eating Mag just emailed me a recipe for Carrot Cake 
Oatmeal Cookies; now I wish I'd swiped the ripe bananas from Mom's last night like I'd planned >.< I have all the other ingredients.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Hey everyone...
    So I'm having trouble clean eating. I always come to a wall when it comes to making healthy recipes or even thinking of healthy snacks. Like I get lean meats and fruits and veggies. But I like stuff with tastes. And sometimes I just need some good comfort food. Pinterest kind of overwhelms me when I look at it because I don't have the biggest budget. Any ideas or tips for clean eating would be great. I feel like I keep eating the same food over and over and it's kinda making me nuts...which is usually when I slip up:/

    There are some good clean groups on MFP, for more sensible and useful suggestions I would look at those.

    Because the suggestions here haven't been sensible or useful?

    Yep some have - which is why I used the word more. The volume will be greater.
  • KittensMaster
    KittensMaster Posts: 748 Member
    Buying some good quality spices and learning how to cook things in new ways can liven up your meals.

    Penzey's Spices online has recipie ideas and a zillion great spices.

  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I see. So the Carrot Cake Oatmeal Cookie link above is more sensible because, no flour.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Hey everyone...
    So I'm having trouble clean eating. I always come to a wall when it comes to making healthy recipes or even thinking of healthy snacks. Like I get lean meats and fruits and veggies. But I like stuff with tastes. And sometimes I just need some good comfort food. Pinterest kind of overwhelms me when I look at it because I don't have the biggest budget. Any ideas or tips for clean eating would be great. I feel like I keep eating the same food over and over and it's kinda making me nuts...which is usually when I slip up:/

    There are some good clean groups on MFP, for more sensible and useful suggestions I would look at those.

    Because the suggestions here haven't been sensible or useful?

    Yep some have - which is why I used the word more. The volume will be greater.

    Ahhh. I took it as more as in "better" not "additional". Darn homonyms.

  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    Something I do that helps me to get more veg in my life is to buy it then chop and dice it up then put it in containers. This way I can reach for it an make a stir fry or salad using the veg I want to use. You can simply use rock salt and black pepper to add flavour but as I am Jamaican I use various Jamaican herbs and spices from The Dunns River brand.

    Another thing I have done is swapped condiments. So instead of having Mayo, I use natural yogurt, instead of white rice I have brown. So with things you like that may be processed and of full of transfats look for the healthier alternatives. This cleaning up or food swapping has really helped me to feel much better within myself and positive thinking helps too.

    All the best with your quest
  • Sharon009
    Sharon009 Posts: 327 Member
    Graceious1 wrote: »
    Something I do that helps me to get more veg in my life is to buy it then chop and dice it up then put it in containers. This way I can reach for it an make a stir fry or salad using the veg I want to use. You can simply use rock salt and black pepper to add flavour but as I am Jamaican I use various Jamaican herbs and spices from The Dunns River brand.

    Another thing I have done is swapped condiments. So instead of having Mayo, I use natural yogurt, instead of white rice I have brown. So with things you like that may be processed and of full of transfats look for the healthier alternatives. This cleaning up or food swapping has really helped me to feel much better within myself and positive thinking helps too.

    All the best with your quest

    I agree with you! I feel much better eating 'clean'. I also have lost my taste for food that is 'junked up'. Its more work with all the food prep but so worth it.