"I won't let you lose weight!"



  • bill323
    bill323 Posts: 100
    On a less snarky note. I have gotten to the point where I am down a lot of weight in a short time frame so people think I am nearing the end. I have to laugh because I am still 220 lbs and 42" around my midsection. Its a helluva departure from 295 and 53" but still not healthy.
  • AllisonPlease
    AllisonPlease Posts: 48 Member
    Lol this sounds exactly like my Bf!! When I told him I needed to lose 40 more pounds he said absolutely not! I heard what he said and felt good that he cared and loves my body as is, however while he thinks 40 pounds will make me look like a stick, I'm well aware that this is not the case and that while my thighs will slim a bit, most of the fat will probably come from a combination of other places!! Stay with it!!
  • runningjen74
    runningjen74 Posts: 312 Member
    Just like my OH. I didn't tell him how much I had to lose. But when I'd lost about 10 pounds, he exclaimed sure you must be finished now. I'm down over 40 pounds, and only just out of the obese category, so yeah I've a bit to go (regardless of whether you use body fat or BMI to calculate it)

    He finds my whole 'fitness buzz' a bit frustrating. To be fair to him I am probably a bit obsessed. BUT, he views self improvement as good, and recognises some of the benefits - think of the bedroom ;)

    I did ask him if my butt, or boobs were smaller would he still like them, and he responded because they are mine, he'll always like them.

    Stick with it. To be honest, my OH for the most part can't see my weight loss - it is quite obvious. But if I stopped talking about it but continued losing, I think he would be a long time noticing. I just can't help telling someone about my successes in the gym.