A Few Bites



  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    I frequenty log things like 3 grapes, 2tbsp cereal, 4 chips, etc.
  • fraydag
    fraydag Posts: 1
    I'm curious how many calories you use in a quick add for a few bites. Like this morning i had one bite of buttered toast from my son's breakfast. Thanks!
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    I'm curious how many calories you use in a quick add for a few bites. Like this morning i had one bite of buttered toast from my son's breakfast. Thanks!

    This is how my mind works: Well that was probably around 25 calories - okay honestly around 50 - okay I'll compromise and add 35. :laugh:

    I usually have a battle with myself wanting to put low - knowing I should put higher and then compromise and go with a middle number.
  • abbylg1983
    abbylg1983 Posts: 177 Member
    I don't, but if I were actively trying to lose weight I would. If you're snatching bites here and there and still losing weight, then I see no reason to log. But if you're gaining or not losing, I'd say those extra bites are the culprit and if you want to lose, you need to track them. Personally, I grab handfuls of dry cereal and crackers all the time. I'd bet those probably add up to around 300 calories per day. If I were to get serious about losing weight again, I'd need to monitor that a little more closely.
  • themanda04
    themanda04 Posts: 60 Member
    i log it. the other day, i ate three cheeze-it crackers...you'd better bet i logged those 15 calories! for me, it's about making the commitment to myself to be accountable for what i eat. if i put it in my body, i put it in my log. honestly, i think it keeps me from over-snacking while at the same time being a really good illustrator that no, those three crackers didn't kill me. were they worth it? sure, three was fine. five would be fine. a handful would not. i'm using my log to teach myself about food.
  • nocheinmal
    nocheinmal Posts: 1 Member
    I would say that if your gut tells you it's not a big deal and you are losing as you would expect to be losing that you're probably right that it's not a big deal.

    If you have plateaued and you're trying to figure out why you're can't get off the plateau then maybe every little calorie becomes more important to log at that point.

    The reason we're here is to learn healthy habits (like really only having 2 bites and walking away) and make our bodies healthier. If that's sincerely what you're doing then I say you're doing it right.
  • pluckabee
    pluckabee Posts: 346 Member
    It depends on you really.

    When I first started I logged absolutely everything and it was a really helpful tool for me to realise how many extra calories I was eating without even knowing it. They can really add up and I think if you have recently started its worth logging just for the knowledge.

    I know it's helped me because now when I go to lick something off my finger or take a quick bite I stop and think first and will usually not eat whatever it was, because I don't need to.

    If you really don't want to, don't but personally I suggest you do it just because it was such a powerful tool in changing some of my eating habits
  • NumbrsNerd
    NumbrsNerd Posts: 202 Member
    I log everything! Logging makes you more conscious of everything you put in your mouth.

    Say you only eat & don't log one chip & dip now, one mini candy bar later, a couple peanuts, a grape or two, a piece of gum... you could easily add 100 calories without even realizing.

  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    If a few unlogged bites once in a blue moon means adherence to your diet long-term, do it. Those formulas can be off more than a few tortilla chips worth of calories anyway.