Fasted state lifting

I workout at 4:30 am 6 days per week, lifting heavy with 30 minutes of moderate intensity cardio 3-4 days. I get up about 15 minutes before to get dressed, teeth, wash my face and hit the door. I do not eat before I go. I am curious as to what supplements, if any, I could add in to drink along with my water that would help me power through. I'm researching BCAA's and Glutamine. Thoughts? Suggestions?


  • slideaway1
    slideaway1 Posts: 1,006 Member
    I train fasted too. I've used BCAA's once before (for one month) and did not really notice anything. They are quite useful for maintaining muscle during cutting (lifting whilst in a deficit) or cardio so they might be of some use to you. I didn't notice that they made me stronger or more energised during my workout though. The powder is better than the tablets. Dextrose tablets are supposed to be good but some people just call them sugar tablets. Failing that just coffee is always a good option. Most pre workout are mainly comprised of coffee anyway.
  • slideaway1
    slideaway1 Posts: 1,006 Member
    I meant most pre workout are mostly comprised of caffine. I have tried some pre workouts and they just made me sweat loads in the gym and a bit jittery and anxious afterwards. I also felt noticeably tired/sleepy afterwards. I just crawl to the gym on an empty stomach nowadays.
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    My routine is the same and I don't take any supplements before my workout. So long as I'm generally eating well, I have enough fuel to hit my morning workouts hard with no problem. I notice that I struggle when my diet the previous day wasn't on point though.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    SuggaD wrote: »
    My routine is the same and I don't take any supplements before my workout. So long as I'm generally eating well, I have enough fuel to hit my morning workouts hard with no problem. I notice that I struggle when my diet the previous day wasn't on point though.

    Same here. I tried moving my calories up and down (higher on lifting days lower on off days) but figured out that if I lifted in the morning and had eaten less the day before, my workout suffered. I ended up going back to a level amount of calories each day throughout the week.
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    I drink my protein shake during my workout and it seems to give the boost I need.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    edited September 2015
    It's all personal preference. My go-to is caffeine. I view BCAAs much like I view multivitamins - do they help? I'm not sure, but they certainly don't hurt, so I take em.

    I've recently started taking energy gels meant for endurance athletes (instead of the caffeine/bcaa option), and I've had good experiences so far. I like Gu Energy Gel Salted Caramel (450mg amino acids, 125mg sodium, 20mc caffeine) Obviously not a good option for IF.
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    I don't think it really matters what you do or don't eat before you train in the morning. I train most weekdays at 430am and I need a little something something in my belly to power through my lifts. Yogurt, broshake, PB on toast, or an apple or banana helps.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I definitely notice a difference in my workouts if I've not eaten enough the day before. I'm still making pretty steady gains right now. I'll definitely add them in starting in January when my cut phase begins. Right now though, I'm happy with my progress so I'll wait. Thanks for the advise!
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    I drink my protein shake during my workout and it seems to give the boost I need.

    I thought protein took an hour or two to be digested. Maybe it's the carbs in the shake that's giving you energy.

    My preferred preworkout carbohydrate supplement is Skittles. :+1: