
Hey everyone! My name is Katie, and I’m on day two of MFP! I love it thus far! Firstly, being able to see exactly what I’m putting in my mouth helps so much… seeing the fat grams and such that’s in my food and watching it being tallied up throughout the day is very eye opening. I also like that I can track my exercise on here too. I did Weight Watchers a few times which has similar tracking concepts, but it was only for food not exercise. The whole system is great! Secondly, the support and community behind MFP is what I love most. I’ve already gotten so much support from people here, its really amazing!

My goal is to lose 40 lbs, hopefully ten of those will be gone by the end of July. Why then? The last week of July is when my entire family (grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and all!) is going to South Carolina for our annual week at the beach! I really want to be more confident by then and wear a really cute bathing suit!

Feel free to add me as a friend… the more support the better!


  • nikki91950
    nikki91950 Posts: 647
    Freaky, but kind of funny. I'll be going up go Myrtle Beach, SC with my fiance and his family for a week near the end of July.
  • jlclarke
    jlclarke Posts: 107
    Good Luck on your goals. We are all here to support one another through the tough times and the good times as well.
  • saintsteffers1
    Hi Katie! well done and welcome! hope you make your goal! I love this site too it was such a shock to realise how much all the little things add up! haha!

    Love Steph