Eating junk food but staying within calorie allowance

margaret235 Posts: 6 Member
edited September 2015 in Health and Weight Loss

I'm 5'8 and 131 lbs. I used to be 117 lbs before the summer, but I developed a nasty case of BED after months of restriction and my weight shot up from 117 to 136 by basically binging on sugar the entire summer, something I have never done before as I've never really had a sweet tooth. 2 weeks ago I decided to cut down from 136 to at least 128 before I leave for university, and my afternoon weight 3 days ago was around 131.However, during the past 2 days I had to attened two going away parties, each time I really stupidly allowed myself to eat lots cakes, cupcakes, apple tarts and cheese etc...but not exceed 2000 calories. I'm going back to the gym today but I'm scared to weigh myself. Will having eaten tons of junk food but not exceeding my calorie limit by a lot still add fat to my body? ( my maintenance as an active 19 year old is 2000 calories, and for weight loss around 1600) Thank you!

** on each of these days I never ate more than 120 grams of sugar...but that's still a lot*


  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    Um....131lbs is a perfectly fine weight for someone who is 5'8". Your BMI is 19 which is on the very low end of healthy and 117lbs was underweight. 128 is borderline underweight.

    You're scared to weigh yourself and you're beating yourself up about eating certain types of food. I think you need to see someone professional, OP.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    You 'stupidly' did a normal thing at a party and ate the food that was on offer? If you think this is a stupid thing to do and worthy of self punishment, I agree that you may need to seek a bit of professional guidance in relation to your relationship with food. Echoing what the poster above said, you are a perfectly fine weight for your height and in fact, not far off the 'underweight' category.

    In answer to your question - no, if you don't go over your calorie deficit/allowance, you won't gain weight no matter what you choose to eat that particular day. But the point here is - I think you need to take it easy a little, OP.
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    edited September 2015
    As the others have said, (going by your stats) you don't need to lose weight anyway - so that's the first thing.
    Eating cakes and cheese isn't terrible! Lol
    As long as you're not eating JUST cakes and cheese every day for the rest of your life, i think you'll be fine. ;)
    There's nothing wrong with eating these things, alongside a healthy balanced diet.
    I normally eat a doughnut or bar of chocolate every day, have a take away once a week - but also eat Meat, Fish, Fruit & Veg etc. most of the time.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    You have done nothing wrong. But since you admit to having BED and are still concerned about eating certain types of food, I would see if you can work with a counselor while you are away at university. It will be a drastic lifestyle change and likely stressful, which can rapidly lead to people resorting to bad habits to relieve stress.

    Also, CONGRATULATIONS on going to parties with foods that are very tasty and staying within your calorie goal. You did great!