I need help.

For the past 3 months I have been doing my best to lose weight. Today I weighed myself and I have actually gained weight. I am so frustrated. I'm ready to give up this isn't fair it's not suppose to be this hard!!! I barely eat anything I have a breakfast smoothie and I do my best to keep lunch and dinner heathy I walk around and go to yoga class I can't do this anymore I have gained more weight trying to lose weight how is the possible I just want lose 30 pounds that's it but it's impossible for me I will always be fat always I can not lose weight I will always be the fat girl I will always be the fat person in the room I will always be the person that can't go swimming because I can not fit in a swimsuit always the fat person my clothes fit tighter and tighter there is nothing I can do I might as well eat junk because it makes no difference to eat heathy losing weight is impossible.
I need help I do not know what to eat anymore. Nothing I do works and I'm so tired I feel so depressed and desperate I can't even look in the mirror anymore I hate seeing myself in the mirror.
Help just help I can't do this anymore
Should I go to a weight lose clinic? A doctor? I barely make money so I can't afford the $2000 HCG diet but at this point in willing to do anything just to see a pound come off.
What should I do?


  • MissElectricEyeliner
    Have you been weighing your food on a scale so that it's as accurate as possible? We tend to over estimate. I know I sure did before I got a scale.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Try plugging your numbers into MFP and eating the number of calories it gives you. I know you said you are eating "healthy" meals, and that's good, but when it comes to weight loss, calories are king.
  • AKNMHunt
    AKNMHunt Posts: 168 Member
    Get a $30 scale and weigh it alll. Drink water. Lots. And try to eat whole foods. I ound it kept me fuller and I could eat more of those than processed. Granted I still enjoy my treats and stuff, but when I sit and eat whole foods, its a lot.

    Your body needs calories to keep going. You're only going to damage yourself if you cut so drastically low.

    Whats your height, weight. Find your baseline. Read the pinned posts too. So much great info here on the forums. Best of luck!
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hi, welcome to MFP :)

    Do you know how many calories you burn a day? And also how many you are eating a day?

    What do your smoothies have in them? Some of them can easily have 600 calories in there.

    Try not to stress, it is just a case of eating the right amount of calories and your weight loss will start to happen.

    Please read this.

  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    edited September 2015
    Not once, nowhere, in that post did you mention counting calories. You can eat as "healthy" as you like but if you are still eating too much you will still not lose weight.

    [edited by MFP Mods]
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    edited September 2015
    Wsrivas19 wrote: »
    I just want lose 30 pounds that's it but it's impossible for me I will always be fat always I can not lose weight I will always be the fat girl I will always be the fat person in the room

    Well you will with that attitude...

    Your diary is full of things measured in cups and spoons and things like that. Weigh everything you can using a food scale - cups and such aren't accurate, you're probably eating more than you realise. It's an easy mistake to make if you're not weighing food. And when I say everything, I mean everything. You've got entries like 1 banana - did you weigh that banana? Or did you just go by what was in the database? Because it could have been a lot more calories than what you've entered. You also have lots of things like homemade smoothies. Are these recipes you've put in yourself, or recipes you've found in the database?
  • Eldow1977
    Eldow1977 Posts: 48 Member
    Lots of very valid advise, some a little critical and blunt but I just want to give you a hug and say I feel your pain. Try some of the advise given and I hope it works for you. Add me as a friend if you wish. Got 180 ish lb to loose so I'm going to be here a long time.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Wsrivas19 wrote: »
    For the past 3 months I have been doing my best to lose weight. Today I weighed myself and I have actually gained weight. I am so frustrated. I'm ready to give up this isn't fair it's not suppose to be this hard!!! I barely eat anything I have a breakfast smoothie and I do my best to keep lunch and dinner heathy I walk around and go to yoga class I can't do this anymore I have gained more weight trying to lose weight how is the possible I just want lose 30 pounds that's it but it's impossible for me I will always be fat always I can not lose weight I will always be the fat girl I will always be the fat person in the room I will always be the person that can't go swimming because I can not fit in a swimsuit always the fat person my clothes fit tighter and tighter there is nothing I can do I might as well eat junk because it makes no difference to eat heathy losing weight is impossible.
    I need help I do not know what to eat anymore. Nothing I do works and I'm so tired I feel so depressed and desperate I can't even look in the mirror anymore I hate seeing myself in the mirror.
    Help just help I can't do this anymore
    Should I go to a weight lose clinic? A doctor? I barely make money so I can't afford the $2000 HCG diet but at this point in willing to do anything just to see a pound come off.
    What should I do?

    Buy a food scale. Start logging everything you eat, based on weight.
    Do not leave empty days.
    Do this for at least a couple of weeks, so you can start seeing where the extra calories are coming from. You have lots of generic entries that do not seem right, lots of things in cups that also do nto seem right, you have empy diary days, and you also have days where you are really over your calories. It all adds up.
    Set a realistic goal, like 1 lb per week at most. Eat whatever MFP tells you to eat, but log more accurately.
    If you have trouble figuring out what to eat, then yes, a dietitian might help make a plan that works for you. A dr will not help you lose just 30 lbs.
    Also if you really feel this bad about yourself, a therapist to help with your self esteem might be a good idea. Much better investment thatn the hcg diet.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    The biggest problem I see right off the bat is inaccurate logging. Buy a food scale. Learn how to weigh accurately, using the most accurate entries.

    i see a lot of 'home made' entries - the problem with this, is that unless it is YOUR recipe, that you weighed and entered in the database, it's quite possible to be WILDLY incorrect. The same for 'Generic' entries.

    You are eating way more than you think you are....
  • snowflakesav
    snowflakesav Posts: 647 Member
    Get your calorie logging clear as others have suggested. If you need to try a portion controlled meals to make sure you are accurate then do it.

    Find a thin person and use them as your role model. Get more information about living a lifestyle that helps you stay slim. Take a look at friends and even MFP friends. Most thin people need to work at it..it isn't fair to assume that is easy for someone else.
  • thereshegoesagain
    thereshegoesagain Posts: 1,056 Member
    There's a lot of good advice here and all over the community. You said you can't find a swimsuit. Take a look at swimsuitsforall.com. It's where I buy my suits and they have a end of season sale right now.
    Hang in there, keep trying. You can do this!
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Wsrivas19 wrote: »
    ...this isn't fair it's not suppose to be this hard!!! ... it's impossible ..I will always be fat...I can not lose weight I will always be the fat girl I will always be the fat person..I will always be.... because I can not...always... there is nothing I can do... it makes no difference... losing weight is impossible... Nothing ... depressed ... desperate I can't ... I hate..Help... help I can't ... I can't ... What should I do?

    I wish I could give you a hug and give you hope. I wish I could give you 10% of my determination and tenacity. But I can't. You have to develop those things yourself. Set some attainable goals: log everything I eat, drink 8 glasses of water, sleep 7-8 hours each night. Just set some attainable goals for now. Every step might be a fight, but all you have to do is move forward a little. Don't suddenly cut your calories to 800 per day and take tons of supplements you don't need or exercise 2 hours a day right away. Just take some baby steps you can manage right now. Give up drinking calories. Give up deep fried food. Anything. Learn that you CAN do it. It IS possible to make changes.

    What should you do? Love yourself. Never give up. If you've failed, try again. Try something new. Try following the advice in these posts.

  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I'm going to give some advice on self talk and how to readjust goals after a setback. I'm coming from the perspective of a significant weight loss achieved over three years.

    I recently completed a Tough Mudder where I overcame slippery, gruelling, and dirty obstacles over 7 KM terrain. There were moments I crawled. There were times I halted, gasping and weaving on my feet, wondering if I could make it. I kind of had no choice though. I was halfway up a slick hill and the exit was ahead of me.

    I reflected on that hill that in my old life every setback, every halt I would blame myself for the failure. But I am more forgiving today. My body was maxed for a moment or two. But I could rest, "shake it off", then take twelve more steps. I would count them off. Then I would rest again. I can trick my body in to doing more by focusing only on the next twelve steps.

    I suggest in your enterprise towards a healthier life, you will have moments like this. I bet those few pounds gained today may be gone next week. Water retention can fool us that way.

    Instead of focusing on the thirty pounds, can you set a new behavioural goal to try just for one week? Like trading out one snack for a weighed lower calorie choice? Re-evaluate at the end of the week. Did you see improvement?
  • glitzy196
    glitzy196 Posts: 190 Member
    Your attitude is holding you back if you think you will always be fat, ans might as well eat everything..then that is what will happen. If you think i am going to do this come hell or high water you will succeed.

    Also if you only have 30lbs to lose i am certain they make swim suits in your size. I still need to lose like 70lbs and i swim all the time. I don't love the way i look in a swim suit, but that is why i am here.
  • Wsrivas19
    Wsrivas19 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you everyone for your comments, I wrote this out of frustration and I still feel frustrated. I can log things better in the app but at the end of the day I would like to be able to eat and not have to log thing all the time. I do eat heathy things maybe I do under estimate how much I am eating. But how would I know?

    Do I have to weight everything I eat? Carry the scale where ever I go and weigh everything I intend to eat? How to other people to this? Other people don't weigh their food? That seems extreme.

    I didn't know that I could add items to the app, I will customize as many foods as possible. I'm doing my the best I can but maybe I need to do more. My realistic goal is at least a pound every other week.
    Thank you everyone.
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    edited September 2015
    Wsrivas19 wrote: »
    Thank you everyone for your comments, I wrote this out of frustration and I still feel frustrated. I can log things better in the app but at the end of the day I would like to be able to eat and not have to log thing all the time. I do eat heathy things maybe I do under estimate how much I am eating. But how would I know?

    Do I have to weight everything I eat? Carry the scale where ever I go and weigh everything I intend to eat? How to other people to this? Other people don't weigh their food? That seems extreme.

    I didn't know that I could add items to the app, I will customize as many foods as possible. I'm doing my the best I can but maybe I need to do more. My realistic goal is at least a pound every other week.
    Thank you everyone.

    Eating healthy doesn't mean anything for weight loss if you're still over your calories. It does generally tend to mean that you'll eat less calories, as 'healthy' food generally tends to fill you up more and be less calorie dense, but that's not a guarantee.

    Try to weigh everything that you can. Obviously don't whip out the scales at a restaurant, but if you're preparing meals at home, weigh things then. I also have a set of scales on my desk at work so I can weigh my breakfasts and lunches (as I eat those at the office). People that don't weigh their food are lucky enough to be able to accurately guess the right portion - most of us here gain weight because we can't do that. The idea behind weighing food is that you'll start to learn what sort of portions you need, and eventually won't need to weigh everything.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    edited September 2015
    Wsrivas19 wrote: »
    Thank you everyone for your comments, I wrote this out of frustration and I still feel frustrated. I can log things better in the app but at the end of the day I would like to be able to eat and not have to log thing all the time. I do eat heathy things maybe I do under estimate how much I am eating. But how would I know?

    Do I have to weight everything I eat? Carry the scale where ever I go and weigh everything I intend to eat? How to other people to this? Other people don't weigh their food? That seems extreme.

    I didn't know that I could add items to the app, I will customize as many foods as possible. I'm doing my the best I can but maybe I need to do more. My realistic goal is at least a pound every other week.
    Thank you everyone.

    Again, how to log better:

    It can be a bear at first to get going, but once you've done it for a couple weeks all your foods are already saved in the mobile ap, and you can just copy a meal from before or create meals and recipes. Read the links I linked. Here's the other one again. Please give it a glance.

  • AKNMHunt
    AKNMHunt Posts: 168 Member
    When I started the first time, I didnt eat anything that I didnt prepare muself for two weeks. That helped me get a good base. I took my snacks with me or ate before I left. When I did eat somewhere I had a good idea of what was in there because I had been weighing my foods ar home and could see what all was in the grams or ounces.

    For example, I showed my husband the Boom Chicka pop Kettle Corn. One serving is 2 cups or 28g. I measured out two cups using a measuring cup. Then I weighed it. It was over 40g in that two cups that was said to be 28g. If I ate the 2c and logged what it was automatically set to, I wouldnt have known I overate that portion. Same with many other foods. Bananas, meats, and grains are the ones that trip me up the most. Very deceptive.

    Weigh it ALL. Do the test like I did to see the differences between the measurimg cup and weight suggstions. It will shock you.

    And yes, take your scale if you want. I took it to a friends house. My determination showed them I am not fooling around. I have to do this for me. If I am afraid, I wont last.