Fluctuation Frustration

I have officially hit my highest weight ever!! I was once 29.8 lbs less about 2 years ago. I will not accept age as a factor... and know I have just eaten what I wanted when I wanted it.
Anyway, been trying hard for past 2 weeks but find weekends so difficult. I got down from 158.8 to 156 in 5 days, but then was up 4 on Monday then down 3 next day and now up 1.4.
So long story short after 2 weeks of counting, I am only down .4 lbs.

Ugghhh! I know I shouldn't weigh every day, but if I give up, I am sure to gain it all back and then some.
Suggestions? Advice?



  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    Well, it didn't all go on overnight and it sure isn't coming off that quick either. Weight fluctuates daily, several times a day, so patience and being consistent with your logging is my only advice.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Eat at a deficit and be patient.
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    There's nothing wrong with weighing everyday if you want to. Many people do. I do, I couldn't stand weighing any less often. Many people weigh everyday and log the numbers so that they can track the pattern. Weighing daily also means that you learn to not care about fluctuations because you know the weight will just be gone again soon, as it always is. Other people weigh less often because seeing the fluctuations everyday gets to them too much.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    If you generally have a bad relationship with scales and find the very normal fluctuations hard to take, I would stick with weekly weigh-in's. That's what I do :)
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Fluctuation is normal and to be expected. I think that if more people weighed daily, they would become inured to it and it wouldn't cause such alarm. If it is really going to freak you out, don't do it, but keep in mind that it's happening whether you know it or not.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    It's only been two weeks for a start, not much time to judge anything really.

    If you know you eat more at the weekend save some calories from through the week to compensate.

    And accept that weight loss isn't linear and the body will naturally fluctuate up and down a few pounds regularly.
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,647 Member
    ^^ What @VintageFeline said.

    Your weekends shouldn't wipe out your weekly calorie deficit. Plan for them if you're going to eat over your goal by banking some calories during the week.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    vivmom2014 wrote: »
    ^^ What @VintageFeline said.

    Your weekends shouldn't wipe out your weekly calorie deficit. Plan for them if you're going to eat over your goal by banking some calories during the week.


    I have banked 450 calories this week for my Saturday 'treat'. Staying in deficit but being able to relax at the weekend too - fantastic!
  • AshuhleeMarie
    AshuhleeMarie Posts: 86 Member
    I agree with the weekly weigh-ins. I have a bad relationship with the scales, and typically feel defeated if the numbers don't reflect what I *think* they should reflect (which is...never).
    To avoid this, I am weighing in every other week. It's working for me to see a loss every time, rather than the daily fluctuations of weight gain/weight loss.
  • barryplumber
    barryplumber Posts: 401 Member
    Water and expelling energy through out the day will account for most fluctuations in body weight. Try and stay off the scale for at least 2 weeks of just starting out.

    Get a measuring tape and record measurements MFP has a spot for this. In a few weeks if the scale don't move check measurements. If you maintained your calorie deflict one or both of those measurements will be less.

    If you find the desire to eat a little more on the weekends just get outside and walk it off simple.