Leaving Weight Watchers and Starting Here

I am starting the program after losing 31 lbs on Weight Watchers because I am at a stand still. I have learned enough that between my husband and I; we believe that we can both keep on track and go from here. We both have iPads, iTouchs and even iPhones so that tracking food and keeping on track is going to be easy. Can't wait to get started on 1 July 2013.


  • Peachy1962
    Peachy1962 Posts: 269 Member
    Welcome and Glad you joined us!!! It's nice to give a bit of info about yourself on your profile for others to see who you are and where ya head it at!! I just joined this month and have worked a lil on my profile and have already added some great friends and read a lot of good advice!!

    Mostly I have added friends to my list hat are about my age group but that is not set in stone and I have talked to some that have been here a good while and I have learned from their knowledge!! I like upbeat and positive minded ppl!!! A good slap on the back makes it all feel so much better at just the right time ya needed it!! :smile:

    Here's wishing you all the best!! xxxx
  • JenofaP
    JenofaP Posts: 4
    I too did wwatchers and got bored. I love this site
    The calories run pretty close to the points. Welcome!
    I'm Jennifer in VA
  • I lost around 70 lbs. over 8 years on and off at Weight Watchers and reached my goal in fall of 2010, but I'm up 20 lbs from that now, and this is where it stops! I got so bored with it after a while and I also disagree with the current plan's disregard of calories in fruits and vegetables, not counting those does NOT work for me. I'm Robin, from Nashville. Also, I am a runner, I race, and plan to do another half-marathon in September, and I need to get back to racing weight.
  • msroboto1
    msroboto1 Posts: 1
    I did WW for a short time last year and I tracked in WW Tools and MFP and they came out the same even with the fruit / vegetable difference. All I can say is the fruit / veg is in there in the points somewhere. If you are eating normal servings it is the same.

    I don't like WW because it all seems like a sales pitch to me that I have to pay for.
    What's on sale this week, oh buy and subscribe to ActiveLink etc. Always something.
    They do have some items that I did buy but it always felt like a hard sell every week.
  • Ladyzumba
    Ladyzumba Posts: 217 Member
    Great choice! Similar type of program and this is FREE! Can't beat that! Good luck!
  • garge73
    garge73 Posts: 1
    I have also just left WW after losing almost 80lbs. Cant afford the meetings any more and have kind of lost interest. Hence why I'm here. I am getting married in just over 6 months and need to try something new.

    Looking forward to getting to know some people on a similar journey to me. I'm in New Zealand by the way so any Kiwi's out there flick me a message! :)