macros for fat loss and lean muscle building.

Hi ladies and gents.

Some background info here...
I'm training for a half marathon.. so I run 3 times a week and I do strength training 4 times per week.

I am a tiny tot.. I'm only 151cm and weigh about 44kgs. So I'm eating 1200 calories a day.. my question is how should I split my macros to decrease body fat but increase muscle mass?
I'm thinking protein 40% and fat and carbs each 30%

Let me know your thoughts.


  • Talan79
    Talan79 Posts: 782 Member
    edited September 2015
    Look up recomp. Eat at maintenance. I'm not sure what cm and kgs translate to. But 1200 seems low. You can't build muscle on a deficit. You can slowly change composition, build muscle and lower body fat eating at maintenance. Your protein doesn't need to be that high.
    You can do 40C-30P-30F.
  • erimethia_fekre
    erimethia_fekre Posts: 317 Member
    I agree with the previous poster, running as much as you need to to train for a half marathon is going to burn the fat for you so worry about eating at maintenance make sure your protein and fat are on the higher side. Recover with carbs
  • JenWall2
    JenWall2 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm doing a body recomp while working with a personal trainer for nutrition help and she put me at protein: 40% fat: 30% carbs:30% She put my calories at 1570 on workout days and 1400 on rest days. Despite mfp putting me at 1760 for maintenance. I need to lose some bf and she has me at a 10lb loss in 12wks. I'm 120lbs and weight lift 3x/week and do hiit cardio 2x/week. So far so good!