Bloating help

jeby8 Posts: 41 Member
Looking for some help as I'm lost as to what is causing my issue of bloating now that I've completely eliminated gluten, dairy, soy, sugar and all of it's substitutes, red meat and 90% of processed foods. (I'm gluten intolerant and lactose intolerant--so those have been out for a while...the soy, sugar, meat and processed foods I eliminated within the last month)

So...pretty much I'm eating veggies (raw, cooked and juiced), fruits, some chicken/fish, nuts, beans and for beverages only water, tea, and occasionally almond milk. (I try to follow Kris Carr's Crazy, Sexy, Diet by the 60/40 rule)

I'm not sure if it's just taking my body longer to process the changes that I made or if there is something ELSE i'm eating now that is causing the bloating. Suggestions? Thoughts?


  • ShannonKN
    ShannonKN Posts: 152 Member
    How does your salt intake look? Also, things like broccoli and beans can cause some gas bloat as your body adjusts. Good luck!!!
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    Beans maybe? I understand sometimes that can cause bloating.

    Many people seem to have found a probiotic helpful in reducing bloat.
  • HappyElizabeth
    HappyElizabeth Posts: 231 Member
    Beans can sometimes cause bloating. Also, I imagine your fiber intake has increased significantly from eating more fruits and vegetables, which could be contributing to feeling bloated.