

  • MeIShouldB
    MeIShouldB Posts: 578 Member
    I love it! Unfortunately, my favorite instructor is leaving my gym:( It took a few weeks for me to get used to the seat but after that, I don't even notice. I burn a ton of calories and sweat like crazy. When I get off the bike, there is a pile of sweat on each side of the bike even though I use a sweat towel... I don't do spin exclusively though. I do strength training classes using dumbbells and kettebells, zumba, and then a few different cardio classes. My favorite thing about my spin instructor is she really pushes you and instead of saying "increase the resistance", she says "turn it 2 times to the right and don't touch that dial etc..." Other instructors at my gym are less motivating and I really have to "make myself" keep up the intensity even though some participants around me are on their cellphone and/or lazily pedaling... Of course, the reasons I like my instructor are probably the reasons others don't. Different strokes for different folks:)

    I have to have someone intense. That's why I like Jillian Michaels LOL
  • fooninie
    fooninie Posts: 291 Member
    I love them!!!!!! Make sure the bike is fitted to your body (the instructor should be able to assist you the first time, then you will know what positions you need for the handlebars, seat etc). GO FOR IT!! :)
  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member
    Tried it...not a fan. That seat was torture and all I remember is when the instructor said 'stand up' I'd think UUGHH!! and when the instructor said 'Sit down' I'd think UUUGGGGHHHH!!!! It was the longest 45 minutes of my life. You should at least give it a shot though--you might like it. The worst that can happen is that you'll get in some squatting exercise as you hover above the toilet for the following 2-3 days.