I'm looking for new friends to follow! -in Colorado

Hi I'm looking for new friends to follow that have similar goals as me.

I'm working with a personal trainer to start weight training. I've done weights in the past, but am looking to be super structured and dedicated, so I'm trying it out. She's super great so far and I'm learning a lot.

If your goals are similar to mine, add me!!

Height: 5"6
Current weight: 137-140 or so
Goal weight: 125-130, I don't really care as long as long as my body composition changes.
Body fat%=29%
Goal fat%=22%? Not exactly sure, but definitely want this to be lower. Main goal.

Calories per day based on my trainer's recommendation based on working out 3-5 days per week:

Macro levels: 50% carbs, 30% protein, 20% fat

So far it's been a struggle to get enough protein in. My fat goes over sometimes, but I'm working on it!

For food, I cook a lot and am very meticulous with measuring out everything. So my food scale is super important.
