Late night snacking

this is my first time joining a group, but this is an area I could use some serious help with. I do great with my meals and snacks all through the day right through dinner. Then after about an hour later it begins. It's not that I'm even hungry! I just start eating! I'll start with healthy snacks. Then move on to bread and butter and then maybe back to a healthy item. Then something else. It continues on all night until I go to bed. I hit pause on the remote to keep getting up to go to fridge. Like last night I ate three apples, four sugar free Popsicles, two cups of popcorn, and three drumstick ice cream cones! One thing right after the other. I tell myself every night, I'm not gonna do it, but it happens. Any ideas out there?


  • sandsofarabia
    sandsofarabia Posts: 95 Member
    You just need to restrain yourself which is really hard maybe the first week or two. But you get into the habit of not snacking as time goes on. My advice is to plan your whole day the night before. And only go by that plan. Stay away from your kitchen late at night. Get rid of those drumsticks too, they're just bad news. I swear I eat one and immediately want another.
  • Florida_Superstar
    Florida_Superstar Posts: 194 Member
    Why do YOU think you're doing that? Do you feel deprived during the day with your regular diet? Do you actually feel hungry at night after dinner? If so, maybe you need to eat more calories during the day. Your diary is not open, so I couldn't see if your meals look overly restricted. Do you think they are?

    This is going to sound like an oversimplified answer: Just stop it.

    It's a choice that has become a habit. You can label it as a problem or try to diagnose it, but in the end the only thing that is going to work is YOU have to make the choice not to do it. As @sandsofarabia said, pre-logging everything the day before is a great way to stay on track. I do that too...good advice.
  • shelby5711
    shelby5711 Posts: 45 Member
    I like the advice: Just stop it. Lol, funny kind of but it really works. For ways to actually STOP----There have been times when I just go to bed early, as I'm doing it because Im bored or tired. Plus I've found that if I brush my teeth, floss, use my waterpik and then brush teeth are super clean and I'm pretty much not going to eat anything so I would have to redo a brushing routine! Side site: My normal brush routine is not quite as involved.....waterpik, floss then brush and maybe a listerine rinse , but I'll do the extra brush if I'm battling that "GEC" (gotta eat craving)
  • Florida_Superstar
    Florida_Superstar Posts: 194 Member
    shelby5711 wrote: »
    I like the advice: Just stop it. Lol, funny kind of but it really works. For ways to actually STOP----There have been times when I just go to bed early, as I'm doing it because Im bored or tired. Plus I've found that if I brush my teeth, floss, use my waterpik and then brush teeth are super clean and I'm pretty much not going to eat anything so I would have to redo a brushing routine! Side site: My normal brush routine is not quite as involved.....waterpik, floss then brush and maybe a listerine rinse , but I'll do the extra brush if I'm battling that "GEC" (gotta eat craving)

    LOL, I didn't know anyone else did those things -- they work for me too. Another thing that works is I tell myself, "I can eat that later." The urge usually passes...and I don't end up eating it!